Alumna Zig Zags Her Way To Geriatric Social Work Career
Her father's words about serving humanity echoing in her heart, Elizabeth Suky-Rice's earned an online MSW degree to become a geriatric social worker.
Violence And Mental Health Focus Of 2016 Social Work Conference
The link between societal violence and mental health and creating positive change is the topic of Saint Leo Social Work Conference, "Time to Heal."
MSW Students Put Counseling Theory Into Practice To Assist Veterans
Serving veterans during a local Stand Down, online MSW students demonstrate Saint Leo's core values while gaining practical counseling experience
New Stipend Opportunities Available For Saint Leo Social Work Students
Saint Leo joins a new statewide project to increase the number of social workers trained in child welfare.
MSW Alumna Story: A Career Helping Homeless Veterans
Graduate from Saint Leo's online MSW program is passionate about military social work and helping homeless veterans.
For MSW Student, Social Work Is 'Language Of Her Heart'
Saint Leo's online MSW program provides students with the competency to complement the innate compassion of social workers.
MSW Students Serve Vets, Hone Counseling Skills [Video]
Students in Saint Leo's online MSW program participated in local Stand Down to assist veterans and sharpen their counseling skills.
Military Social Work Experts To Speak At Saint Leo Conference
Practitioners from Saint Leo's online MSW program and social work experts will present at the 2014 Military & Veteran Social Work Conference.
Finding Community And Collaboration Through Online MSW Program
Pursuing an online social work degree is bringing this wife and mother closer to her career goal.
Navy Vet Turned Social Work Student Is All Heart
Experiencing heartbreak visiting a Romanian orphanage contributed to George Meara's desire enroll in Saint Leo's online masters in social work.