The mission of the Saint Leo University Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies (CCJS) is to build mutual respect, understanding, and appreciation among Jews, Catholics, and all people of good will by providing opportunities for interreligious education and dialogue.
Inspired by Nostra Aetate, a declaration by the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) that provided a new and positive framework for the Catholic Church's relationship with the Jewish people, CCJS facilitates theological study and dialogue among Christians and Jews at the scholarly level, in the classroom, and in the local community.
The center was established in 1998 through the joint efforts of Saint Leo, the American Jewish Committee, and several principal founders, including Rabbi A. James Rudin, senior interreligious advisor to the American Jewish Committee; Dr. Arthur F. Kirk Jr., president emeritus of Saint Leo University, Bishop Emeritus John J. Nevins, the Diocese of Venice; and Bishop Emeritus Robert Lynch, the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Given Florida's growing and diverse population, these leaders recognized the need in the state for an academic center devoted to the biblical and theological study of Catholic-Jewish relations and interreligious dialogue, as emphasized by the Second Vatican Council.
CCJS remains the only academic center of its kind in the Southeast.
Upcoming Events
Spring Semester 2025
The History of Catholic-Jewish Relations in Tampa Bay
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Tampa Bay Historical Center - TECO Hall | 801 Water Street, Tampa, FL
This program aims to explore the intertwined history of Tampa's Catholic and Jewish communities. A panel of longtime local leaders and clergy will share their knowledge and personal experiences, providing valuable insights into this rich history. Dr. Gary Mormino, Frank E. Duckwall Professor of History Emeritus and past director of the Florida Studies Program at the University of Southern Florida will moderate.
Contemporary Jewish and Catholic Perspectives on Just War
Two-Part Webinar Series
Session 1: Monday, February 10 | 1:00 p.m.
Session 2: Monday, March 10 | 1:00 p.m.
The moral discourse surrounding the war between Israel and Hamas frequently employs or assumes the language of the just war tradition, including the following terms: combatants, noncombatants, proportionality, discrimination, and just cause. These and other just war terms emerged over hundreds of years as a part of a complex tradition of reflection on when war can be morally justified. However, current usage of this language by some scholars, religious leaders, and the media lacks awareness of the debated meanings of these terms and how the concepts relate to one another.
CCJS presents a two-part series entitled “Contemporary Jewish and Catholic Perspectives on Just War.” The aim of the series is to deepen mutual understanding of both communities’ perspectives on just war traditions today. This program aims to build mutual understanding among Catholics and Jews on the interpretation of the principles of the just war tradition. What are the just war criteria according to the Catholic and Jewish traditions, and how are these interpreted today? Moreover, how did the Second World War impact contemporary views of just war? Are just war criteria relevant? Does the nature of contemporary war and the problem of terrorism require a new set of just war criteria? Is it necessary to evaluate contemporary conflicts according to the just war criteria and how should this be done?
Dr. Reuven Firestone, Regenstein Professor in medieval Judaism and Islam at Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles, will present part one of the series: Jewish views of just war. Dr. Tobias Winright, Professor of Moral Theology at Saint Patrick’s Pontifical University in Maynooth, Ireland, will present part two of the series: Catholic views of just war.
Each program will include a question-and-answer session moderated by Dr. Matthew Tapie and Rabbi David Maayan. The lectures will be recorded.
Session 1: Contemporary Jewish Perspectives on Just War
Session 2: Contemporary Catholic Perspectives on Just War
Monday, February 24, 2025
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Bethany Center - 18150 Bethany Center Drive, Lutz
Cardinal Gregory, Archbishop, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. will discuss how this year marks the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council's historic declaration on the Church's relations relationship with non-Christian religions, Nostra Aetate. This declaration positively reframed Catholic-Jewish relations, condemned antisemitism and racism and called for dialogue and study with members of other religious traditions.
The Significance of Nostra Aetate Today:
Monday, February 24, 2025
Bethany Center | 18150 Bethany Center Drive, Lutz, FL
The year 2025 marks the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council? s historic declaration, Nostra Aetate, which positively reframed Catholic-Jewish relations, condemned antisemitism, and called for dialogue and study with the Jewish people. What is the significance of this document and its fruits for Catholic-Jewish relations today?
Saint Leo University? s Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies and the Diocese of St. Petersburg invites Catholic priests and interreligious officers to a seminar examining the origin of Nostra Aetate and subsequent Vatican teaching, as well as deepening attendees’ knowledge of Judaism.
Seminar schedule (open to clergy only)
Session 1: The Origin of Nostra Aetate | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. |
Session 2: The Fruits of Nostra Aetate | 2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. |
Session 3: Understanding Judaism | 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. |
Dinner | 5:00 p.m. |
Thursday, February 13 & Thursday, April 24, 2025
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Rabbi David Maayan, the Maureen and Doug Cohn Visiting Chair in Jewish Thought at the CCJS, will deliver the third and fourth lectures in a series on the thought of Rabbi Kalonymus Shapira, “the Rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto." Shapira’s Holocaust writings are both unique and powerful.
Monday, May 12, 2025
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Rabbi Dr. Alan Brill, the Cooperman/Ross Endowed Chair for Jewish-Christian Studies at Seton Hall University, will present an online lecture on Jewish theology today, and its significance for Catholic-Jewish dialogue and relations.
*Please check back for registration information
Recent News and Events
- February 2025 Statement on the U.S. President's Declaration
- January 2025 Newsletter
- Fall 2024 Newsletter
- January 2024 Newsletter
- October 2023 Statement on Oct. 7th Hamas Attack
- October 2023 Article on 25th Anniversary Dinner
- Fall 2023 Newsletter
- January 2023 Newsletter
- Rabbi A. James Rudin Invested as Papal Knight in the Order of St. Gregory the Great
- Fall 2022 Newsletter
- July 2022 Statement on Neo-Nazi Demonstrators in Tampa
- June 2022 Statement on Antisemitic Flyers
- Rabbi David Maayan Appointed as Inaugural Cohn Visiting Chair in Jewish Thought
- January 2022 Statement on the Colleyville Synagogue Attack
- January 2022 Newsletter
- Fall 2021 Newsletter
- May 2021 Statement on Vandalism of the Florida Holocaust Museum
- January 2021 Newsletter
- Fall 2020 Newsletter
- January 2020 Newsletter
- Fall 2019 Newsletter
- January 2019 Newsletter
- October 2018 Statement on the Tree of Life Synagogue Attack
- Fall 2018 Newsletter
- Spring 2018 Newsletter
- Fall 2017 Newsletter
- January 2017 Newsletter
- Fall 2016 Newsletter
Academic Conferences
The Challenge of Theological Dialogue, May 9-11, 2021
Catholic-Jewish Relations, Internationally and in Florida, November 1-2, 2016
Faculty of the Center
Dr. Matthew Tapie, Director of the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies

Dr. Tapie is Associate Professor of Theology, and Director of the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies at Saint Leo University, Saint Leo, Florida. His teaching and research interests are in the thought of Thomas Aquinas, Judaism and Christian theology, and Catholic-Jewish relations. From 2012-2014, Dr. Tapie was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Theology at The Catholic University of America, and was appointed a research fellow at CUA's Institute for Interreligious Study and Dialogue. He has also taught Christian Ethics at Georgetown University, and Loyola University Maryland.
As Associate Professor of Theology at Saint Leo University, Dr. Tapie teaches courses in the graduate theology program in the Department of Philosophy, Theology, and Religion, and in the undergraduate core curriculum. As director of the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies, he oversees the center’s research fellow program, guest lecturer programs, and interreligious dialogue initiatives.
Dr. Tapie is the author of Aquinas on Israel and the Church (Pickwick/Wipf & Stock, 2014), which was the focus of a special session at the 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 12, 2016. He is co-editor of Reading Scripture as a Political Act: Essays on the Theopolitical Interpretation of the Bible (Fortress Press, 2015); and The Business of War: Theological and Ethical Reflections on the Military-Industrial Complex (Cascade, 2020). Dr. Tapie has also published peer-reviewed articles in the European Journal for the Study of Thomas Aquinas, The Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations, and the Journal of Moral Theology.
Dr. Tapie is Series Editor of the Judaism and Catholic Theology series with The Catholic University of America Press. He is a member of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' dialogue with Modern Orthodox Judaism. He serves on the Advisory Board of the journal, Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations. Dr. Tapie served on the leadership team of the Catholic Theological Society of America's Consultation on Judaism and Christianity from 2018-2021. In 2016, Dr. Tapie was appointed to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Committee on Ethics, Religion, and the Holocaust.
Rabbi David Maayan, Cohn Visiting Chair in Jewish Thought and Assistant Director of the CCJS

Rabbi David Maayan comes to Saint Leo University from Boston College where he was an instructor of Judaism and Christianity in Dialogue for the past academic year (2021-2022). He has an extensive teaching background in academia, secondary education, and community settings. He served as an instructor at Maimonides School in Brookline, MA, Hebrew College Rabbinical School, in Newton, MA, and at Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo in Jerusalem, Israel, in addition to his work at Boston College. He has taught extensively on the Hebrew Bible, Talmud and rabbinic literature, Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah, and Hasidism, incorporating historical, philosophical, and comparative religious perspectives. He also has an interest and background in multiple religions including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, though his work is especially focused on the complex interrelationship between Christianity and Judaism.
Maayan has taught on New Testament texts and Christian theology in relation to Jewish theology and practice, with a particular interest in the Trinity, theological anthropology, and theological reflections on love, embodiment, and suffering. This background informed his course on In-Depth Reading of the Talmudic Passage on ‘Sufferings of Love’ (Yissurim shel ahavah), and the yearlong graduate seminar Altruism (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Perspectives), and Our Responsibility for the Other: An Interreligious and Interdisciplinary Investigation, which he co-taught with a Christian and a Muslim instructor.
Maayan graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in religion with a focus in Jewish mysticism from Oberlin College in Ohio, earned his master’s in Jewish studies from Hebrew College, and is a doctoral degree candidate in comparative theology at Boston College. In addition to training with a number of influential rabbis in America, he studied in rabbinical seminaries in Israel for six years, including Bat Ayin Yeshiva, Mir Yeshiva, and the Joseph S. Gruss Kollel of Yeshiva University in Jerusalem. His rabbinical ordination took place in Jerusalem in 2004.
Rabbi Maayan also has pursued interfaith dialogue and friendship throughout his life. He has participated in interreligious dialogue groups in Boulder and Snowmass, CO, Sharon, MA, as well as Paderborn, Germany, and Jerusalem, Israel.
Dr. Eugene Fisher, Distinguished Professor of Theology
Dr. Fisher earned his doctorate in 1976 at New York University in Hebrew Culture and Education, his dissertation entitled, "'The Treatment of Jews and Judaism in Current Roman Catholic Teaching." Dr. Fisher was appointed as the specialist in Catholic-Jewish Relations for the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) in May of 1977, a post in which served until 2007. In 1981 he was named Consultor to the Vatican Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, serving in that capacity for 25 years. He has lectured widely throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. In 1995, a book he co-edited with Rabbi Leon Klenicki, John Paul II, Spiritual Pilgrimage: Texts on Jews and Judaism (Crossroad) won the National Jewish Book Award in the Jewish-Christian Relations category.
He has published or edited some 20 books and over 250 articles in the field of Jewish-Christian relations, including: The Jewish Roots of Christian Liturgy, ed. (Paulist, 1990); Interwoven Destinies: Jews and Christians through the Ages, ed. (Paulist/Stimulus, 1992); Faith Without Prejudice: Rebuilding Christian Attitudes Toward Judaism (Crossroad, 1993); Visions of the Other: Jewish and Christian Theologians Assess the Dialogue, ed. (Paulist/Stimulus, 1994); A Prophet of Our Time: An Anthology of the Writings of Rabbi Marc H. Tannenbaum, ed. with Judith H. Banki (Fordham University Press, 2002). He also co-edited with Leon Klenicki the newly published The Saint for Shalom: How Pope John Paul II Transformed Catholic-Jewish Relations (Crossroad, 2011) and edited the forthcoming Memoria Futuri: Catholic-Jewish Dialogue Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow; Texts and Addresses of Cardinal William H. Keeler (Paulist/Stimulus, 2012).
Rabbi James Rudin, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Religion and Judaica
Rabbi Rudin holds honorary doctorates from Saint Leo University, Saint Martin's University, and Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute for Religion. In 1968 he began his career as a member of the American Jewish Committee senior professional staff where he served as Director of the Interreligious Affairs Department. He is currently the AJC's Senior Interreligious Adviser and a member of the organization's Board of Governors.
A former chairman of the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations, Rabbi Rudin participated in eleven meetings with Saint Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. He was a guest of honor at the 1994 Vatican Concert that commemorated the Shoah. In April 2008 he was chosen by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops to respond to Pope Benedict XVI's address to Jewish leaders in Washington, DC. Rabbi Rudin is the author or editor of seventeen books and since 1991 has written commentaries for Religion News Service. His latest book, is Pillar of Fire: A Biography of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, published in 2015 by Texas Tech University Press.
Laurie Gens, Administrator of Programs and Events

Ms. Laurie Gens is the CCJS Administrator of Programs and Events. A recent transplant to Tampa from Chicago, Laurie earned her degree in Hospitality Business at Michigan State University. Over the last thirty years, Laurie has served in a variety of management roles including event, meeting and program planning, hotel and event venue sales and operations, client service excellence, employee training and coaching, retail and, most recently, as the Director of Life Enrichment for an independent Jewish senior living community. You can read more about Laurie’s background here.
Eternal Light Award
Since 1999, the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies' Eternal Light Award is presented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the cause of Catholic-Jewish relations. Each year, the presentation of the award alternates between a Jewish or Catholic scholar. The CCJS Scholarly Advisory Board nominates and selects candidates for the Eternal Light Award by secret ballot. The selected recipient is announced in the spring, and then invited to deliver a keynote lecture at the CCJS Eternal Light Award Dinner in the fall. The dinner is open to the public and organized by leaders of the Catholic and Jewish communities of Tampa. At the end of the dinner, the scholar is presented with the Eternal Light Award. To receive notifications on the annual Eternal Light Award recipient and/or the dinner, please click on the "Join Our Mailing List" in the right-hand column.
Additional Resources
- The Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions
- Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the USCCB
- Documents of the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews
- International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations
- Documents and Statements Concerning Jewish-Christian Relations
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Program on Ethics, Religion, and the Holocaust
Advisory Boards
Dr. Karma Ben-Johanan
Researcher and Senior Lecturer, The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem
Dr. John Borelli
Special Assistant to the President for Catholic Identity and Dialogue, Georgetown University
Rabbi Dr. Alan Brill
Cooperman/Ross Endowed Chair for Jewish-Christian Studies at Seton Hall University
Dr. Philip Cunningham
Professor of Theology and Director of the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations, Saint Joseph's University
Dr. Eugene Fisher
Distinguished Professor of Theology, Saint Leo University
Rabbi Dr. Shai Held
Hadar Institute, New York
Dr. Kevin Hughes
Associate Professor of Theology and Chair of the Humanities Department, Villanova University
Dr. Matthew Levering
James N. and Mary D. Perry Jr. Chair of Theology, Mundelein Seminary
Dr. Amy-Jill Levine
Rabbi Stanley M. Kessler Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Hartford Seminary, and Professor of New Testament Studies Emerita at Vanderbilt University
Dr. Peter Ochs
Edgar M. Bronfman Professor of Modern Judaic Studies, the University of Virginia
Dr. Randi Rashkover
Chair in Jewish-Christian Relations, Humboldt University of Berlin
Rabbi A. James Rudin
James N. and Mary D. Perry Jr. Chair of Theology, Mundelein Seminary
Rabbi Dr. Devorah Schoenfeld
Associate Professor of Theology at Loyola University Chicago
Holly Taylor Coolman
Assistant Professor of Theology, Providence College
Elena G. Procario-Foley
Br. John G. Driscoll Professor of Jewish-Catholic Studies, Iona College
Sister Roberta Bailey, O.S.B.
Rabbi Rachel Blatt
Ms. Dale Brown
Isaac Camacho, O.S.B.
Douglas Cohn
Maureen Cohn
Rabbi Mendy Dubrowski
Dr. Mark Gesner
Father Michael Jones, O.F.M.
Brian Lemoi
Monsignor Frank Mouch
Iris Pastor
Dr. David Persky
Father Len Plazewski
Joseph Probasco, Esq.
Bishop Ed Scharfenberger
Mark Segel
Rabbi Joel Simon
Father Kyle Smith
Dr. Michael Tkacik
Rabbi Danielle Upbin
Gail Whiting
Paul Whiting
Dr. Fern Aefsky
Director of Graduate Studies, Education, Saint Leo University
Dr. Stephen Okey
Associate Professor of Theology, Saint Leo University
Dr. Ebony Perez
Department Chair, Undergraduate Social Work, Assistant Professor, Saint Leo University
Dr. Jen Shaw
Vice President, Student Affairs, Saint Leo University
Contact the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies
Laurie Gens, Administrator of Programs and Events
(352) 588-7711
33701 County Road 52 (Mail Code 2460)
St. Leo, FL 33574