Whether you’re a recent graduate searching for that first job or you’re a working-professional looking to advance, Career Services will be right alongside you. We offer a wide range of valuable resources. Email us, call us, or come in for a one-on-one appointment. Finding a career path that is rewarding and fits your needs isn’t going to be easy; it takes time and planning, strategic planning!
Some areas for you to consider, and ask yourself:
- What are some of my short-term goals?
- What is the long-term goal?
- Is graduate school or an M.B.A in my future?
- What type of work or organization suits me?
As Alumni, how should I use Career Services’ resources?
- Identify areas of interest through a self-assessment or career exploration.
- Brainstorm helpful methods designed to better equip you with the right tools for your job search.
- Research and prepare for the” big interview” with us. Conduct a mock interview with your own career coach in your corner.
- Polish up an existing resume that speaks to today’s job-market or create one from scratch.
- Understand how best to use the tools and resources available to you, in order to better leverage your needs.
- Create high-level networking opportunities
Networking & Professional Development
Checklist: Professionals entering the workforce
- Clean up and secure all channels of social media
- Establish or update your resume and LinkedIn page
- Identify your circle of mentors
- Nurture those networks and individuals you admire
Checklist: Professionals with years of experience
- Assess those long-term goals and be sure they are measurable
- Look at your short-term goals and be sure they align with your long-term goals
- Nurture your networks, stay connected to your mentors and those you admire. Reestablish any lost connections.
- Keep your resume and LinkedIn current and update-to-date.
- Evaluate memberships to professional associations or involvement in community service.
Alumni & Employer Engagement
Alumni Engagement Opportunities
- Become a mentor to share your experiences, insights, and network with current Saint Leo students
- Host students in your place of work for informational interviews, job shadowing, or credit-bearing internships
- Return to campus for one of our Dinner with Saint Leo (alumni & current student networking program)
- Ask your former faculty about speaking in the classroom as an invited presenter
- Facilitate an information session or career workshop to a group of Saint Leo students
Employer Partnership
- Advocate on behalf of Saint Leo to your organization’s HR department to recruit on campus
- Direct job and internship opportunities (student, entry level, to experienced hire) through Handshake
- Volunteer to attend Career Services webinars and events on campus—like networking and Career Fair programs—to recruit and connect with students
- Attend Alumni Chapter and local networking events
For more detailed information on Employer Partnerships, contact careerservices@saintleo.edu.