Mission Statement
The mission of the Counseling Department is to develop a team of highly competent staff who are deeply committed to providing prevention, intervention, and modeling to encourage students to take responsibility for their mental, emotional, social, spiritual, physical, and occupational development to become contributing members in their community. In support of this mission, Alcohol Prevention aims to create a campus culture that supports responsible decisions surrounding alcohol.
The Counseling Department is located in DeChantal Hall. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Students are always welcome to stop by or make an appointment to check out all the alcohol & other drug resources available to them.
Prevention Goals:
- To increase the number of positive social norm messages on campus.
- To increase students’ knowledge regarding the effects and the potential safety, health, social, academic, and legal consequences of alcohol misuse.
- To increase awareness regarding the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning, alcohol dependency, and addiction.
- Assist students in evaluating their own expectancies regarding and motivations for high-risk and binge drinking.
- Define and encourage low-risk, responsible and safe decisions with alcohol.
- Assist students in exploring alternatives to drinking.
- Correct the misconceptions regarding the norms for alcohol use here on campus.
- Provide students with information about campus and community alcohol prevention, intervention, and wellness resources.
3rd Millennium Classrooms – Under the Influence:
- Under the Influence is an online, evidence-based alcohol education course created using current research techniques. This course can be utilized by students as part of educational and interventional processes on campus. It includes an alcohol self-assessment, personalized feedback, and information on the impact of alcohol on personal health as well as on other areas of students’ lives.
BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening & Intervention for College Students):
- The goal of BASICS is to minimize negative consequences of drinking by helping students make better alcohol-use decisions.
- This evidence based practice is designed for college students who drink and are at risk for or have experienced negative consequences as a result (i.e.; injuries, violence, sexual assault, vandalism, poor academic performance, etc.). Following a harm reduction approach; BASICS aims to motivate students to reduce alcohol use in order to decrease the negative consequences of drinking. It is delivered in a non-judgmental, empathetic, and non-confrontational manner and is aimed at revealing the discrepancy between the student’s risky drinking behavior and his/ her goals and values. Students will be referred either through the judicial system for an alcohol related offense or from the counseling department.
- BASICS consist of two one-hour sessions with a trained BASICS facilitator on campus. During the first session, the facilitator asks the student questions about his/her alcohol use, risk factors, and protective behaviors. During the second session, the facilitator gives personalized feedback on the following; 1.the myths about alcohol’s effects, 2.the student’s use patterns as compared to other students on campus, 3.risk factors, 4.a range of strategies to reduce risks, and 5.options to assist the student in making any desired changes.
CMCA (Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol):
- CMCA is featured on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP). CMCA is a community-organizing program designed to reduce youth access to alcohol by changing community policies and practices. CMCA is a universal prevention strategy focusing on environmental strategies to limit youth access to alcohol and to communicate the clear message to the community that underage drinking is inappropriate and unacceptable. Research has demonstrated that the CMCA program can be used to decrease DUI arrests and youth access to alcohol through both commercial and non-commercial outlets.
- CMCA employs a range of organizing techniques to address legal, institutional, social, and health issues in order to reduce youth alcohol use by eliminating illegal alcohol sales to youth by retailers and obstructing the provision of alcohol to youth by adults.
Proven Results: 1) Reductions in older youths (18 to 20 years old) providing alcohol to younger teenagers. 2) Youths 18 to 20 years old are less likely to try to buy alcohol, drink in a bar, or consume alcohol. 3) Arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol declined significantly among 18- to 20-year-olds and 4) Alcohol merchants increased age-identification checking and reduced propensity to sell to minors.
ASAP (Pasco County Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention):
- ASAP is a coalition that operates as an integral part of Pasco County by providing educational and resource information to the community. The mission of ASAP is to develop, motivate, and encourage strategic relationships that reduce county risk factors and decrease substance abuse rates among youth and adults. The Saint Leo University Prevention Program is involved as community member of ASAP.
University Campus (local treatment providers):
- North Tampa Behavioral Health (www.northtampabehavioralhealth.com/addiction)
- Florida Hospital (www.floridahospital.com/behavioral-health)
- DACCO (www.dacco.org)
- Tampa Crossroads (www.tampacrossroads.com)
Other Resources:
- www.aa.org – Alcoholics Anonymous
- www.na.org – Narcotics Anonymous
- www.marijuana-anonymous.org – Marijuana Anonymous
- adultchildren.org – Site for adult children of alcoholics.
- www.collegedrinkingprevention.gov – Dedicated to changing the culture of drinking at Colleges and Universities. Comprehensive research-based information on issues related to alcohol abuse, alcohol poisoning, and binge drinking among college students.
- www.niaaa.nih.gov – National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
- www.friendsdrivesober.org – Website devoted to impaired driving prevention.
- www.madd.org - The mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking.
- www.studentstakingaction.org – Students Taking Action, Not Drugs.
- www.drugabuse.gov – The mission of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is to lead the Nation bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.
- www.tobaccofreeu.org – Works on college campuses to prevent starting, promote quitting and try to prevent exposure to second hand smoke.
- www.samhsa.gov – Substance Abuse & Mental Health Service Administration.
- www.nhtsa.dot.gov – National Highway Safety & Transportation.
- www.B4UDrink.org – Traffic Safety Administration
- www.ulifeline.org - An anonymous, confidential, online resource center, where college students can be comfortable searching for the information they need and want regarding emotional health (including alcohol and drug resources and information). Students can also utilize a confidential self-evaluator tool.
- www.halfofus.com - Website that that seeks to create a public dialogue to raise awareness about the prevalence of mental health issues and connect students to the appropriate resources to find help.
- www.pascoasap.com - To develop, motivate, and encourage strategic relationships that reduce county risk factors and decrease substance abuse rates among youth and adults.
1. Alcohol and Other Drug Evaluation: Saint Leo University Counseling Services provides mandatory and voluntary evaluations for currently enrolled University Campus students. There is no fee for these evaluations. Saint Leo students interested in scheduling an evaluation should call 352-588-8199 and request an AOD evaluation.
- What does the evaluation include?
- The evaluation is completed in one session, with an invitation to continue therapy if desired. A comprehensive interview generally includes a review of the history of the client´s use of substances, health related questions, and family and personal history.
- What happens after the evaluation?
- Upon completion of the evaluation, results and recommendations are given to the student. Education about potential harmful consequences of continued substance use is part of the evaluation process.
- Is therapy mandated?
- Students are invited to enroll in counseling but counseling cannot be mandated.
2. Counseling: Individual counseling is offered to any currently enrolled University Campus student who wishes to decrease or terminate his or her use of substances. Therapy follows a brief therapy outpatient model and students meet with a counselor every one to two weeks.
3. Referral: If a student is in need of more intensive treatment, referrals may be made for medical detoxification, intensive outpatient, or residential treatment. The licensed counselors are knowledgeable about community services and can assist with services outside of the Saint Leo area if needed.
4. Re-entry: If a student re-enters Saint Leo University, after attending an alcohol and/or drug treatment program, Counseling Services can assist the student with a Relapse Prevention and Recovery program. Students will usually meet with a counselor for individual sessions, and can attend local support groups. (Lists of self- help groups with times and locations are provided to students, upon request).
5. Helping someone you’re concerned about: Saint Leo University Counseling Services is available to assist parents, students, and faculty/administrators by phone about concerns related to a student´s use of substances. If the student is eligible for services, we will ask that the student contact the UCC and schedule an appointment with one of the AOD counselors. Parents and university personnel may not schedule the appointment for the student. If the person is not eligible for services at the UCC, referrals will be given by phone.
6. Confidentiality and general information: General information about services at Saint Leo University Counseling Services and resources in the community will be given in person or by phone. Once a student becomes a client, confidentiality rules will apply. Communication by any of our staff with any third party regarding the client will require the student/client sign an authorization for this communication.
University AOD Policies
Student Policies:
Alcohol policy, https://www.saintleo.edu/codeofconduct
Illegal Substance policy, https://www.saintleo.edu/codeofconduct
- Judicial sanctions for violations of alcohol and drug policies are listed online in the Code of Conduct. Mandatory evaluation and counseling for all first illegal substance and second alcohol offenses.
Medical Amnesty Policy -
Faculty/Staff Policies:
Substance abuse policy for faculty and staff – Saint Leo University Master Policy Manual (provided as part of new employee orientation and through the Intranet).
- Substance abuse counseling for faculty and staff available through Employee Assistance Program (EAP). To access services, faculty and staff should call Resources for Living at 1-877-398-5816 or visit www.mylifevalues.com.