What is Student Success
Our goal is to help you succeed and persist at Saint Leo University, from matriculation through graduation.
- We offer comprehensive support services designed to help students reach their educational and professional goals.
- We collaborate with many departments on campus to provide institutional resources, assistance, and guidance to help you overcome potential challenges.
- We work closely with Academic Affairs to stay current on departmental policies and other important information related to course selection and registration.
- We foster the development of critical and creative thinking skills, problem solving, and inter & intra-personal skills to aid in your improved success, both inside and outside of the classroom.
We want you to know that you always have someone on your side. Whether you need someone to talk to about hurdles you might be facing or to celebrate your many accomplishments, your Student Success Coach will be beside you on your journey to graduation!
In addition to course selection and advising, meet with your Student Success Coach to develop learning, financial, and life strategies that promote your success. We can assist you with time/stress management, managing freedoms, setting goals, and much more!
About Student Success Coaching
- Help create and clarify educational goals
- Help with academic plan development
- Assist with course selection
- Register students for courses
- Interpret university policies and academic requirements
- Assist with interpretation of financial aid information
- Provide guidance through the academic decision making process
- Make referrals to other campus resources
Make an Appointment with Your Student Success Coach
Student Success Coaches are located in the Center for Academic Vision and Excellence on the 1st floor of Kirk Hall.
Student Success Coaches will conduct student appointments in person or virtually. Please schedule an appointment to meet with your Success Coach today! See below for specific information about Student Success Coaching by college/school.
Success Coaches by College
College of Arts, Sciences, and Allied Services
Criminal Justice, Education & Psychology
Ms. Nathalia Paula | nathalia.paula@saintleo.edu | (352) 588-7334 | Appointments with Nathalia Paula (office365.com)
Medical Humanities, History, Political Science, Religion, & Undeclared
Mr. Justin Carter | justin.carter@saintleo.edu | (352) 588-7515 | Appointments with Justin Carter (office365.com)
Ms. Emma Hutterli | emma.hutterli@saintleo.edu | (352) 588-7447 | Appointments with Emma Hutterli (office365.com)
Music & English
Ali Najjar | ali.najjar@saintleo.edu | (352) 588-7417 | Appointments with Ali Najjar (office365.com)
College of Health Professions
Social Work, & Nursing
Ms. Emma Hutterli | emma.hutterli@saintleo.edu | (352) 588-7447 | Appointments with Emma Hutterli (office365.com)
Tapia College of Business
Dr. Audrea Maxwell | audrea.maxwell@saintleo.edu | (352) 588-7419 | Appointments with Dr. Maxwell (office365.com)
College of Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Data Science
Computer Science, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Data Science
Ali Najjar | ali.najjar@saintleo.edu | (352) 588-7417 | Appointments with Ali Najjar (office365.com)
About Academic Engagement
The Center for Academic Vision & Excellence (the CAVE), provides comprehensive academic support programs and services, in the forms of academic success workshops, tutoring, supplemental instruction, and peer mentoring. The CAVE’s services equip all Saint Leo University students with the tools necessary to achieve academic success.
The mission of First Year Experience is to foster an atmosphere of learning for all first year students through academic coursework in SLU 101 that aids in successful transition and academic development.
Saint Leo University is committed to providing a clear pathway to success for our students. The Finish in Four plan was developed to help undergraduate students achieve their education and career goals by making the most of all the university has to offer – from leadership opportunities and academic resources to professional development and career services.
Additional Information
Visit University Course Schedule
- Under Choose a location, select your desired location.
- Under Choose a term, select your desired term to get date.
Accept and/or decline your awards online at eLion and make your tuition deposit online.
Research financial aid and scholarship resources and complete the admission application.
Complete and file the FAFSA® online.
Your Student Success Coach can provide you with a variety of resources across campus. Not sure who to get connected with? Contact (352) 588-8500 or email student.success@saintleo.edu.