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Placement Testing

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Welcome Saint Leo Lion!

Option 1

If you have credits from Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, International Baccalaureate (IB), or Cambridge AICE/GCE, please submit your transcripts as soon as possible to Saint Leo University Registrar's Department to verify if you are able to waive taking the placement exams.

Option 2

If you took either the SAT or ACT tests, we encourage you to submit your official ACT and/or SAT scores.  We will use the highest score to consider you for placement. The chart below outlines the courses a student will place in based on their scores:

Saint Leo Mathematics COURSE GRID Mathematics ACT Scores Mathematics SAT Scores
MAT 110/131 0 - 17 0 - 449
MAT 128/141 18 - 20 450 - 519
MAT 151/201 21 - 22 520 - 539
MAT 152 23 - 26 540 - 609
MAT 231 27 610
Saint Leo English COURSE GRID English ACT Scores English SAT Scores
ENG 110 - Native Speakers

ENG 119 - Non-native Speakers
0 - 18 0 - 509
ENG 121 19 510

Option 3

In the event that you can’t use Options 1 or 2, we offer Placement exams.

Placement Exam Details

All students that take Placement Exams must uphold Saint Leo University's Core Value of Integrity as well as the university's Academic Honor Code.  Students needing accommodations should contact the Office of Accessibility Services to submit a formal request for ADA accommodations and provide the necessary documentation. Contact the Office of Accessibility Services, at (352) 588-8464 or email

The placement exam, once opened, must be completed. There are no exceptions! Please ensure that you are ready to complete the exam in one sitting. You cannot save and return later to complete.

If you do not complete your placement exams, you will be automatically enrolled in courses that count as electives. If you have any questions, please discuss this with your Success Coach.

Math Placement Exam

Students who need only Mat 131 for their major will not need to take the Mathematics Placement Exam. Please review your program evaluation with your advisor if you are not sure.

During the placement exam we will measure your knowledge of basic and intermediate and college algebra skills. Students have the opportunity to place into Mat 110, Mat 128, Mat 141, Mat 151, Mat 201 or Mat 152 depending on their placement test results.

Before you attempt the placement exams, students will have an opportunity to practice and review skills to place as high as you can in the sequence of mathematics courses. Please see below for Directions for the Placement Exam.

English Placement Exam

We test your knowledge of English grammar, punctuation, and writing. A combined score of 74% is required to place into ENG 121. This placement test has two parts: 

  1. Grammar and punctuation
  2. Multi-paragraph essay

Please ensure that you complete both parts in order to receive a complete score. Your score will be revealed upon completion. This test may be taken ONCE ONLY.

The written essay should be at least three to five well-developed paragraphs. They include the following:

  1. Introduction with thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph.
  2. Body paragraphs that support that thesis statement with examples.
  3. Concluding paragraph.

The body paragraph(s) may be more than one paragraph. Provide examples to support what you are trying to say. Do not use external sources! 

You have 45 minutes to complete the essay portion. Make sure you are concise with language and not writing as if you are speaking with a friend. 

The essay component has a practice essay that students can take PRIOR to the test itself only. You MUST NOT open the essay exam and minimize the screen, take the practice, or you will receive a score of ZERO.

Option 4

You can decide not to take the Placement Test. If a student decides not to complete placement exams, s/he will register for ENG 110-How to Write Well or MAT 110-Intro to Algebra with Applications (if required for selected major). These courses count as electives and not count toward the University Explorations requirements.

Course Placement

Course Placement for English

Saint Leo requires two sequenced composition courses, English 121 and English 122, as part of the University Explorations (general education) program. However, occasionally incoming students need a bit more preparation in order to succeed in English 121. Your results will either place you in English 110-How to Write Well, a course that covers foundational concepts related to grammar, punctuation, and sentence and paragraph structure, or English 121, which reviews these skills and goes on to study various types of essays. If you place in English 110 in your first semester, you will then take English 121 in the following semester.

Course Placement for Math

All Saint Leo University students are required to take a mathematics class as a University Explorations (general education) requirement. This requirement may vary depending on the student’s major.

Based on your score and major, you will take MAT 110/131, MAT 128/141, MAT 151/201, or Mat 152.

  • Students who need only one mathematics course to fulfill their University Explorations requirement may take MAT 131 or College Mathematics. MAT 131 is a terminal course and will not prepare students for higher mathematics courses. Students in this group do not need to take the Mathematics Placement Exam.
  • Sequence for all Business Majors: MAT 110 (Intro to Algebra with Applications), MAT 141 (Finite Mathematics), MAT 201 (Introduction to Statistics)
  • Sequence for all Majors who need MAT 151 (College Algebra) and/or above: MAT 110 (Intro to Algebra with Applications), MAT 128 (Intermediate Algebra), MAT 151 (College Algebra), MAT 152 (Trigonometry), MAT 235 (Calculus)

Directions for the Placement Exam

The following assessments will help determine the appropriate initial English and Math courses for you based on your current skill level.

You may opt out of the English Assessment if you have earned a grade of C or better in a credit-bearing, college-level English composition course at a regionally accredited U.S. institution. Contact your academic advisor for assistance.

Please keep in mind that you may take each assessment only once. You will be notified immediately of the results.

Access to the English Assessment

The English Assessment consists of writing an original essay based on the provided question. The essay should consist of a 4-5 paragraph essay up to 1,000 words, and you will have up to one hour (60 minutes) to complete the essay.

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Create New Account" in the New User section of the page.
  3. Complete the User Account information. Use your Saint Leo Student ID number as your User Name. Be sure to make a note of your Password as you will need the Password to access if you have simply looked over the instructions but have not started the test. Once you open the placement test, it must be completed. 
  4. Once you enter the placement test, you will see the following:
    1. Diagnostic Test Part I (non-essay) 40 points—Complete
    2. Essay 100 points—Complete 
    3. Practice—Optional 
  5. To view your combined score when finished, look in the bottom right hand corner, and click on “Gradebook.” The overall score will be provided. If your score is 74% or higher, you will place into ENG 121.

Need more help? To get more help with registering and enrolling, go to Student Support and get help with setting up your computer, signing in to your program, frequently asked questions, or contacting Technical Support.

Please contact your academic advisor if you have any questions about the assessments.

Access to the Math Assessment

The purpose of this placement program is to help ensure you are placed in the most appropriate math course. Please take this opportunity seriously and do your own work. Being placed in a course for which you are not fully prepared is a waste of both your time and money. We will measure your knowledge of basic, intermediate, and college algebra. Scientific calculators are permitted for the mathematics placement exam.

We want to help set you up for success in your mathematics courses!

Access to MyMathTest, at no cost, has been made available to you by Saint Leo University!

To join this program, you need to register for MyMathTest and then enroll in the appropriate program.

1. Registering for MyMathTest 

To register, go to, click Student, and then OK! Register now and follow the instructions on the screen. If you already have a Pearson student account you do not need to create a new one.

Enter the Program ID: XL4L-P1UQ-801Y-3EV2


(We recommend copy and pasting the program ID and access code to prevent typing errors)

2. Enrolling in the appropriate placement program 

After registering, return to and sign in to MyMathTest with your username and password. To enroll

in a program, use one of the following program IDs:

  • Mathematics Placement Tests for On-ground Students #1: XL4L-P1UQ-801Y-3EV2
  • Mathematics Placement Tests for On-ground Students #2: XL4L-P1UT-801Y-6EV2
  • Mathematics Placement Tests for Worldwide Students #1: XL4L-P1UV-801Y-8EV2
  • Mathematics Placement Tests for Worldwide Students #2: XL4L-P1V0-901Y-3EV2

NOTE: If you are unable to enroll in On-ground or Worldwide Students - 1, please enroll in On-ground or Worldwide Students - 2. If you are attending University Campus, you are considered On-ground, otherwise you are considered Worldwide.

If you have questions or wish to request special accommodations, please contact Dr. Kiss at Good luck!

The Mathematics Department

Need more help? To get more help with registering and enrolling, go to Student Support and get help with setting up your computer, signing in to your program, frequently asked questions, or contacting Technical Support.

Please contact your academic advisor if you have any questions about the assessments.


  • International Bridge students are only required to complete the Math Placement Exam. You will receive more information from the Director of the Bridge Program. 

Placement Exam Exemptions

  • International students in the Bridge program. International Bridge students will complete the math sections of the Placement Exam during their first semester at Saint Leo University. You will receive more information from the Director of the Bridge Program.International students that are not in the Bridge program are required to complete placement exams.
  • Transfer students with credits from other institutions. Students transferring to Saint Leo University must submit official transcripts from previous institutions to the Admissions office.  Your Student Success Coach will review your transcripts and determine if you need to take placement exams.  Your success coach or the program office for your College will contact you regarding your need to complete Placement Exams.
  • Incoming First Time In College (FTIC) students with certain scores/grades in AP, IB and dual enrollment classes.
    • FTIC students that receive a 3 or higher on English or math AP exams similar to courses tested on the Placement Exam will be exempt from one or both parts of the exam.
    • IB diploma holders that receive at least a 4 on English A, Math Methods, Math Studies, or Mathematics will be exempt from one or both parts of the exam.
    • FTIC students that take dual enrollment courses and receive at least a C or better in courses similar to those tested on the Placement Exam will be exempt from one or both parts of the exam.
  • Students with Cambridge AICE Exam Credits. Saint Leo University accepts credits for passing scores of A, B, C, D or E on the British AS-Level or A-Level courses. No credit is offered for Ordinary Level courses. 
  • Students that complete College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) testing. Saint Leo University will review CLEP scores and determine if a student is exempt from Placement Exams.

If you have any questions about placement exam exemptions, please contact a Student Success Coach.