image of clocktower at dawn on Saint Leo University campus

Demographic Updates

Update Your Personal Information

The university requests students to provide current and accurate demographic information at all times.

Change your Address, Name or Social Security Number

The Personal Data Update Form is available on Okta in Etrieve Central. This form is easy to use and secure. Students should use the form to request changes and correct errors to their address, legal name, date of birth, and social security number.

Address Change

It is the responsibility of the student to provide up-to-date permanent and present mailing address information at all times at the university. Any student who changes his or her mailing address must submit this update immediately.

Primary/Legal Name

Saint Leo University will use your primary (legal) name on all official records and documents, including your student email address, class rosters, transcript, student Identification card (ID Card), diploma, etc. To update any part of your legal name, you must present legal documentation.

  • A certified copy of a marriage certificate, court order, OR dissolution decree reflecting the new name in full (documentation will not be accepted if full name is not listed) 
  • An updated signed Social Security Card, Driver’s License, OR Passport

To change a married name back to a maiden name, legal documentation other than a birth certificate must be provided.

Social Security Number Change

Student must provide a copy of the Social Security Card.

Date of Birth Change

Student must provide a copy of their Driver’s License or Birth Certificate.

Personal Data Update Form

A name change may take up to two weeks to fully process. Social Security Number, address, and date of birth changes should update within 48 hours.

Additional Resources

For more information on demographic updates and changes, please contact the Office of the Registrar at or (352) 588-8233.