Course Materials Connection
Saint Leo University is pleased to partner with Barnes & Noble College to offer an easy-to-use and convenient process for ordering course materials. The Course Materials Connection program helps to reduce the cost of materials and ensure students have everything they need for all courses, prior to the first day of class.
With this new program, all required course materials will be included as a course charge and conveniently prepared for students before the first day of class. All course materials will be available for one flat fee of $30 per credit hour. Scholarships for textbooks or other funding allocated toward course materials will be applied directly to this fee.
How it works
Saint Leo’s Course Materials Connection makes it easy to order your materials. Here’s how it works:
- One month before classes start, you will receive an email instructing you to review your courses and choose how to receive your materials. If you choose, you can also opt out of the Course Materials Connection program. (You still have the ability to order your materials from the bookstore if you opt out.)
- The bookstore will prepare your course materials in a convenient package.
- Depending on your selection, you will receive an email notification when your order is ready for pickup at the bookstore or when it ships.
- Your digital materials will automatically be delivered within your courses in Lions Share.
- When your courses are over, the bookstore will send you helpful reminder emails to return your printed rental course materials.
Course Materials Connections Forms
Students will need to decide if they would like to participate in Course Materials Connection or if they want to opt out each term. Previously, if students opted out/opted in, they would remain in that status until a form was submitted to change it.
Forty days before a term begins, all students will be transitioned back to the opt in status, with the exception of those groups who are auto opted out by the university. Students will have until the close of the drop/add period for the term to decide if they want to participate or opt out of CMC.

University Campus Bookstore Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
More Information
Saint Leo University online or education center students should contact their enrollment counselor or student advisor. For University Campus students, contact your academic college’s textbook and resource coordinator or the Director of Learning Resources.
- College of Arts, Sciences, and Allied Services: Abbie Luoma, abbie.luoma@saintleo.edu, Jessica Moreira, jessica.moreira@saintleo.edu
- College of Business: Traci Dunlap, traci.dunlap@saintleo.edu
- College of Health Professions: Abbie Luoma, abbie.luoma@saintleo.edu
- College of Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Data Science (CARDS): Traci Dunlap, traci.dunlap@saintleo.edu
Frequently Asked Questions
CMC is an equitable access program through Barnes and Noble College. We have contracted with them to provide all your course materials for one flat rate. ($30.00 per credit or $90.00 for each three credit class you are enrolled in.)
The program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and digital textbooks.
The program does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused such as lab goggles, dissection kits, and molecular model kits.
You are auto enrolled in the program unless you Opt Out. Your student account will be billed the CMC fees for each class you are enrolled in unless you are Opted Out.
All students will be automatically enrolled in the Course Materials Connection program with the exception of Veteran Readiness & Employment students, who will automatically be opted out due to their program’s requirements.
You will be able to see the course material charge reflected in your student account in eLion immediately following the end of the add/drop period.
Yes. In order to keep course materials economical, the university has calculated an average flat rate fee for all course materials. In some cases, the costs of your materials may be more than the flat fee, and for other courses, it may be less. In the end, the flat rate fee will help to keep the overall cost of your materials balanced and affordable.
- College of Arts, Sciences, and Allied Services: Abbie Luoma, abbie.luoma@saintleo.edu, Jessica Moreira, jessica.moreira@saintleo.edu
- College of Business: Traci Dunlap, traci.dunlap@saintleo.edu
- College of Health Professions: Abbie Luoma, abbie.luoma@saintleo.edu
- College of Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Data Science (CARDS): Traci Dunlap, traci.dunlap@saintleo.edu
If you have scholarships for textbooks and course materials, they will automatically be applied to your student account. Veteran Readiness & Employment students also will have funding for materials applied directly to their student accounts; however, other veteran and military students will receive the funding for course materials directly from the Veterans Administration.
Yes. All materials will be rented unless they are a one-time use item.
Students who have opted out will need to go to the bookstore ordering site and purchase materials from the appropriate opt out term list at saintleo.bncollege.com/shop/saint-leo/home.
The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of finals. You will receive an email reminder about the rental deadline.
Yes, the program provides you with the option to purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period.
Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.
You will receive emails from the bookstore to remind you to verify your order every other day until complete. If you do not opt-out, your materials will be held at the bookstore and your student account will be charged.
Yes. If you do not opt-out, your materials will be held at the bookstore and your student account will be charged. This does not apply to students who requested the materials ship to a home address.
You may return the book to the bookstore on the same terms and timelines currently in place. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will “swap” the required textbooks/codes so that you have what you need.
Yes, you will have 48 hours to return your textbooks to campus bookstore, either in-person or by mail. If you do not return the textbooks, the charges for the bundle will go back onto your student account.
Rental return instructions are emailed to students prior to the rental return due date. Customers receive a sequence of email reminders as well as the opportunity to purchase their rental and keep it. Students do pay for return shipping on a rental, unless they decide to keep it and pay the upcharge. They can obtain a return shipping label from the bookstore website, to return the rented books for $5.
Depending on the publisher, you will access the materials provided through CMC in a couple of different ways. (Not all materials are digital)
- Digital Access through the Couse Materials link in the course
- Through the publisher registration links provided in your course
- Through the Yuzu reader bookshelf / emailed instructions on how to access come with your order confirmation
- Print books are rentals that are mailed to your home address or available for in store pick up if you are near the main University Campus Bookstore
Important disclosure:
If you do not reserve the materials each term through CMC you may not receive them, or you may lose access after drop add. To ensure that you remain connected or receive the print materials you must reserve them. You can do this three different ways: through the link in the emails you receive from Barnes and Noble, through the bookstore portal tile in Okta, or from the bookstore ordering site.
You can send an email with your order number to: SM8418@bncollege.com and a member for the bookstore management team will respond. If you prefer a phone call, send an email with your number and a member of the team will call you.
The University has a department dedicated to assisting students with Course Materials. Send an email to student.textbooks@saintleo.edu and a member for the Learning Resource Team will respond to you. If you prefer a phone call, send an email with your number and a member of the team will call you.
Messaging is added to the Courses page in D2L during weeks 1 and 2 to remind you about the fees for the program and your ability to Opt out or Opt back in each term.
Messaging is added to the Courses page in D2L during week 7 to remind you about the upcoming rental return timeframe, and to remind you to reserve or place your orders for the upcoming term.
Barnes and Noble College will send many emails to your Saint Leo email account throughout the term. It is important to review these messages.