University Campus Tuition
- 100% Tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs by the end of the add/drop period.
- No refund for any course with withdrawal after the end of 7 days.*
*Policy does not apply to students enrolled at Saint Leo University Continuing Education Center and/or online program in Georgia, South Carolina, Maryland or Wisconsin. Please proceed to the applicable schedule to find the appropriate refund schedule of tuition and course fees.
Laboratory and special course fees are 100-percent refundable if withdrawal occurs before the end of the drop/add period. After classes begin, laboratory and special course fees are non-refundable.
Refunds due students who have credit balances in their tuition account will automatically be issued within 14 days. Questions regarding refunds should be directed to Student Financial Services at sfs@saintleo.edu or 800-240-7658.
WorldWide Tuition
- 100% Tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs by the end of the add/drop period.
- 75% Tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after add/drop and before the end of week two. Does not apply to university campus students.
- No refund for any course with withdrawal after the end of week two.*
*Policy does not apply to students enrolled at Saint Leo University Continuing Education Center and/or online program in Georgia, South Carolina, Maryland or Wisconsin. Please proceed to the applicable schedule to find the appropriate refund schedule of tuition and course fees.
Laboratory and special course fees are 100-percent refundable if withdrawal occurs before the end of the drop/add period. After classes begin, laboratory and special course fees are non-refundable.
Refunds due students who have credit balances in their tuition account will automatically be issued within 14 days. Questions regarding refunds should be directed to Student Financial Services at sfs@saintleo.edu or 800-240-7658.
Georgia Tuition and Fee Refunds
Refund policy for students enrolled in courses at Saint Leo University Continuing Education Centers and/or online programs in Georgia.
Refunds of tuition for withdrawal from courses are given on the following schedule:
- 100% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs by the end of the add/drop period.
- 75% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after add/drop and before less than 25% of the course term is completed.
- 50% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after more than 25% and less than 50% of the course term is completed.
- No refund for any course with withdrawal after 50% of the term is completed.
Laboratory and special course fees are 100-percent refundable if withdrawal occurs before the end of the drop/add period. After classes begin, laboratory and special course fees are nonrefundable.
Refunds due students who have credit balances in their tuition account will automatically be issued within 14 days. Appeals regarding refunds shall be submitted in writing to the Business Office, MC 2097, Saint Leo University, P.O. Box 6665, Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665.
Maryland Tuition and Fee Refunds
Refund policy for students enrolled in courses at Saint Leo University Continuing Education
Centers and/or online programs in Maryland.
Refunds of tuition for withdrawal from courses are given on the following schedule:
- 100% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs by the end of the add/drop period.
- 80% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after add/drop and before 20% of the course is completed.
- 60% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after 20% of the course is completed but before 30% of the course is completed.
- 40% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after 30% of the course has been completed but before 40% of the course has been completed.
- 20% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after 40% of the course has been completed but before 60% of the course has been completed.
- No refund for any course with withdrawal after 60% of the course has been completed.
South Carolina Tuition and Fee Refunds
Refund policy for students enrolled in courses at Saint Leo University Continuing Education
Centers and/or online programs in South Carolina.
Refunds of tuition for withdrawal from courses are given on the following schedule:
- 100% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs by the end of the add/drop period.
- 75% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after add/drop and before 25% of the course is completed.
- 60% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after 25% of the course is completed but before 38% of the course is completed.
- 50% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after 38% of the course has been completed but before 50% of the course has been completed.
- 30% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after 50% of the course has been completed but before 60% of the course has been completed.
- No refund for any course with withdrawal after 60% of the course has been completed.
Laboratory and special course fees are 100-percent refundable if withdrawal occurs before the end of the drop/add period. After classes begin, laboratory and special course fees are nonrefundable.
Refunds due students who have credit balances in their tuition account will automatically be issued within 14 days. Appeals regarding refunds shall be submitted in writing to the Business Office, MC 2097, Saint Leo University, P.O. Box 6665, Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665.
Wisconsin Tuition and Fee Refunds
Refund policy for students enrolled in courses at Saint Leo University Continuing Education
Centers and/or online programs in Wisconsin.
Refunds of tuition for withdrawal from courses are given on the following schedule:
- 100% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs by the end of the add/drop period.
- 80% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after add/drop and before 20% of the course is completed.
- 70% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after 20% of the course is completed but before 30% of the course is completed.
- 60% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after 30% of the course has been completed but before 40% of the course has been completed.
- 50% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after 40% of the course has been completed but before 50% of the course has been completed.
- 40% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after 50% of the course has been completed but before 60% of the course has been completed.
- No refund for any course with withdrawal after 60% of the course has been completed.