Wild Florida Class Explores What Makes Sunshine State Stand Out
Learn about a unique undergraduate class called Wild Florida offered by Saint Leo University last fall as part of its Honors Program.
The Most Magical Places on Campus? These Two Saint Leo Disney Classes
Read about two unique undergraduate honors classes on Disney focusing on literature and psychology offered at Saint Leo University this fall.
PODCAST REWIND: Saint Leo University’s Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Listen to Episode 72 of the Saint Leo 360 podcast with Dr. Tammy Zacchilli on the Bachelor of Arts in psychology program at Saint Leo’s University Campus.
Communication Major Aims for PR Career Under Bright Lights of Vegas
Meet KJ Ryan, a Saint Leo University communication major whose goal is to work in public relations under the bright lights of Las Vegas.
PODCAST REWIND: Spotlighting the Saint Leo University ROTC Program
Listen to Episode 70 of the Saint Leo 360 podcast highlighting the Saint Leo ROTC program and the many benefits for students in this program.
With Saint Leo Biology Degrees, Twins Work Toward Careers in Medicine
Meet Chidozie and Chigozie Igbonagwam, identical twins who are proud alumni of the Saint Leo University biology degree program now pursuing medical school.
Saint Leo Psychology Alumna Shares Lifelong Story of Helping Others
Meet Kathy Clark, a 1987 Saint Leo psychology alumna who shares her lifelong story of supporting others in various roles in the helping professions.
PODCAST REWIND: Highlighting the Tri Sigma Sorority at Saint Leo
Listen to Episode 69 of the Saint Leo 360 podcast on the Epsilon Tau chapter of the Sigma Sigma Sigma (Tri Sigma) sorority at Saint Leo University.
Pursuing Social Work Degree, Senior Eyes Career in Policymaking
Meet Megan Rowe, an accomplished senior Bachelor of Social Work degree student at Saint Leo University who has her eyes on a career in policymaking.
What Can You Do with a BA in History? Best Careers for History Majors
Interested in one of the many exciting careers for history majors? Learn how to best put your BA in history degree from Saint Leo University to use.