Saint Leo University President Ed Dadez Announces Retirement After 25 Years of Service
University Board of Trustees Begins Search, Appointing Interim Leader
Law Enforcement Officials Prepare For Leadership Roles As Members Of Saint Leo University’s 31st Command Officer Management Program
10 students from Florida and Virginia law enforcement agencies graduate from the university’s program
Saint Leo University Welcomes Students in Doctor of Theology in Applied Theology During First Residency Program
Coming from all walks of life, doctoral students share mission of serving others
Saint Leo University’s 30th Command Officer Management Program Cohort Graduates in Ceremony June 6
Officers and officials from nine Florida law enforcement agencies prepare for the transition to command staff and leadership positions through university’s program.
Congratulations! Saint Leo University Celebrates More Than 1,300 Graduates in 2 Ceremonies at Florida State Fairgrounds
Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister and Florida House Minority Leader Fentrice Driskell Address Class of 2024 Graduates
Saint Leo University Helping to Relieve Nursing Shortage with State, Donor Funding to Aid in Creating Innovative Classrooms and Labs
The University’s Inaugural Official Nursing Class of Juniors Begin Hands-on Training in Fall
Saint Leo University Students Experience Benefits of Internships
On National Intern Day (July 27), Saint Leo students and faculty share stories of gaining real-world knowledge and skills during internships.
Saint Leo University ROTC Cadets Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants in U.S. Army, Air Force
In ceremonies in May at USF, Saint Leo students became new officers in the U.S. military
Saint Leo University Celebrates More than 1,300 Graduates in 2 Ceremonies
Tampa Restaurateur Richard Gonzmart, MLB Analyst Xavier Scruggs Address Grads
Faculty Offer Career, Life Advice To Saint Leo University’s Graduating Students
From being prepared for an interview by researching the company to not trying to be like everyone else, here’s guidance for grads.