Zoom Etiquette for Students: Tips for Taking Online College Courses
What are the dos and don’ts of taking a college class on Zoom? Consider these tips on Zoom etiquette for students learning in a virtual setting.
7 of the Best Free Stress Management Apps for College Students
These seven stress management apps for college students can help you chill out, allowing you to more clearly focus on your academics and finish your degree in a timely manner.
5 Tips For Diving Into A New Career With Confidence
If you're enrolling in an online degree program to prepare for a career change, here are some thoughts to consider as you take the plunge.
10 Tips for Using Twitter In Your Job Search
Social media has become a great tool for professional networking and landing jobs. Check out these 10 tips on how to leverage Twitter professionally.
Getting Started On LinkedIn: 10 DIY Essentials
Don't have a LinkedIn profile yet? Get started now with these tips from Saint Leo's Center for Online Learning career advisor.
Write Better Emails: Advice From Horton The Elephant
Students in online degree programs understand the importance of well-crafted email.
Using Social Media To Get Hired
Find valuable information about using social media to get hired in Saint Leo's new e-book.
Stand Out In The Job Market: Build Your Personal Brand
Competition in the job market can be fierce. Developing your personal brand can help you stand out. Here's some advice from an HR expert.
Video Resumes Show Off Your Star Qualities
Saint Leo University's career services advisor for online students offers tips about creating a video resume.
Energize Your Ho-Hum Cover Letter
Cover letters are a golden opportunity to bridge the gap between a resume and real-world experience.