The Socratic Method of Teaching: What It Is, Its Benefits, and Examples
What is the Socratic method and how is it applied to teaching? Learn about this instructional approach and examples of the Socratic method of teaching.
Educational Leadership Degree Student Molding Biliterate Students
Meet Stephanie Kraft, a Saint Leo University graduate educational leadership degree student helping to mold biliterate students through a unique dual language program in Hillsborough County Schools.
Career Spotlight: The Role of a Special Education Teacher
Learn about the role of a special education teacher and the rewarding aspects of working in exceptional student education with a degree from Saint Leo University.
7 Best Books for Teachers & Aspiring Educators For Summer Reading
Check out this list of the seven best books for teachers and aspiring educators to help you either launch or elevate your career as a teacher.
Saint Leo's EdCamp Teach Provides New Ways of Learning for Educators
University's April 6 program in Ocala let education professionals create professional development sessions based on their experience and needs.