The Most Magical Places on Campus? These Two Saint Leo Disney Classes
Read about two unique undergraduate honors classes on Disney focusing on literature and psychology offered at Saint Leo University this fall.
Cue it Up: Top 6 Movies for English Majors
Check out these top six movies for English majors for some intriguing films involving writers, storytellers, and poets recommended by Saint Leo University.
The 6 Best Movies for Performing Arts Majors
Want to pursue a performing arts career and star in theater productions? These 6 best movies for performing arts majors will give you plenty of insight.
What to Watch: Top Four Movies for Criminal Justice Majors
What are the top movies for criminal justice majors that are both thrilling and educational to this career field? Find out in this list from Saint Leo.
Top 5 Movies Social Work Majors Should Add to Their Netflix Queues
What are the top 5 movies every social work major should add to their Netflix queues?