Commencement Information
Find commencement schedules, locations, and dates as commencement for Saint Leo University.
The Registrar maintains student's academic records and provides all official transcripts. Information about requests for paper and eTranscripts can be found here.
Transfer Policies & Information
Saint Leo University recognizes transfer credit from regionally accredited institutions or approved nationally-accredited institutions. Review the Saint Leo Transfer Policies and Information to learn how your credits can be applied.
Dean's List
The Dean's List is issued at the end of the Fall 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2 semesters. Students enrolled full-time for two consecutive terms, earning twelve new semester credits, with a term grade point average of 3.65 or higher, are recognized by placement on the Dean's List.
Retrieve your Dean’s certificate in Etrieve Central in Okta. Once in eForm, select Forms then Deans Certificate or Deans Certificate Past Term. You may download and print the certificate using the icons at the bottom of the page.
Information regarding degree conferral as well as digital and duplicate diplomas can be found here.
Enrollment & Degree Verification
Students may obtain Enrollment and Degree Verifications through the Registrar’s Office. To learn more, visit the Enrollment and Degree Verification page.
Demographic Info Update
A student can change personal information relevant to their permanent record with the Registrar’s Office. Identification is required for all changes, and legal documentation is required in some cases.
Saint Leo University provides for the confidentiality of student records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). To discuss your education record with your parents, spouse, or other persons whom you designate, you must provide written authorization.
Contact Registrar's Office
Phone: (352) 588-8233
Fax: (352) 588-8656
Modified Business Hours for Summer 2024:
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M., ET, Friday: 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., ET
Closed Saturday and Sunday.
Registrar's Office Address
Saint Leo University
33701 County Road 52
P.O. Box 6665, MC 2278
Saint Leo, FL 33574
Additional Information
Important Emails
Transcripts: transcripts@saintleo.edu
Enrollment and Degree Verification: enr.verification@saintleo.edu
Transfer Credit: transfercredit@saintleo.edu
Diploma: graduation.application@saintleo.edu
Commencement: commencement@saintleo.edu
View campus map
Driving to Saint Leo University and Parking on Main Campus