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Minor in Sociology

Why choose a Sociology Minor at Saint Leo?

Explore cutting-edge issues in sociology—including globalization, race, gender, urbanization, and medical and environmental matters.

A Sociology minor complements a major in any social science discipline, and is also useful for students in business, law enforcement, social work, education, philosophy and theology.

This program is offered:
Est. Time to Complete:
4 years
Credit Hours:
15 hours
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Professional Development Opportunities


Learn to use industry-standard analysis software, including Excel and SPSS.


Students have interned with hospice care providers, trial attorneys, circuit family court judges, migrant self-help organizations, Tampa AIDS Network and Saint Leo’s Office of Institutional Research.

Co-curricular activities

Interact with peers and professionals in the Sociology club and at the annual meeting of the Southern Sociological Association.

Service learning

Volunteer at Meals on Wheels or Habitat for Humanity through Saint Leo's bi-annual Community Service Day. Participate in an alternative spring break to post-earthquake Haiti or a Costa Rican orphanage. Lobby legislators in Tallahassee on issues that impassion you.


Present your findings at sociology conferences in Florida and around the U.S.