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Bachelor's Degree in Sociology - Applied and Clinical

Why Earn Your Sociology Degree at Saint Leo University?

Saint Leo’s Sociology faculty will help you reach your individual goals—whether you want to make an impact as a lawmaker, administrator, educator or researcher. Saint Leo offers convenient classes for a range of students—those just starting their careers, and experienced professionals who want to retool and advance to the next step.

With an open mind, compare social phenomena across different cultures to understand groups, organizations and institutions, and give yourself a competitive edge in the global job market.

This program is offered:
Campus Online

The sociology degree program at Saint Leo University explores issues that include globalization, race, gender, urbanization, and medical and environmental matters.

Est. Time to Complete:
4 years
Credit Hours:
120 hours
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Why choose Sociology at Saint Leo?

Explore cutting-edge issues in sociology—including globalization, race, gender, urbanization, and medical and environmental matters. Learn how to conduct research and analyze data, searching for answers to vital questions: How do we solve problems like poverty and homelessness? How does public policy impact U.S. family life? How can state-sanctioned punishment reduce criminal deviance?

Learn Your Way: 

Online, On Campus, or Near You

  • Saint Leo students and instructor in classroom
  • What are the on-campus facilities like?

    Students who pursue their degrees at Saint Leo’s main campus near sunny Tampa Bay, Florida, join a community of enthusiastic learners just like them. 

    Sociology students enjoy plenty of engaging learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom, as well as exciting departmental events.

    Learn about the On-Campus Experience

Career Outlook

No matter which learning experience you choose, you will receive plenty of professional development opportunities, industry knowledge from expert professors, and support from the Saint Leo community. All this together means that you will be ready for a successful career or continued studies upon graduation.

What can you do with a specialization in clinical/applied sociology?

With a specialization in clinical/applied sociology, you will be qualified for a wide variety of client-based positions, including:

  • Counselor/support group facilitator (e.g., addiction)
  • Teacher/trainer (e.g., grief support)
  • Mitigation expert/mediator (e.g., death penalty support of families; divorce court)
  • Organizational consultant (e.g., support in downsizing and rebuilding of trust)
  • Program evaluator (e.g., turnaround specialist for businesses/agencies in crisis)
  • Community consultant (help groups, such as victims of elder abuse, and ethnic/refugee communities, advocate for themselves on matters of public policy)
  • Mediator (e.g., conflict resolution in businesses)
  • Advocate/consultant (e.g., labor union)

How will you gain real experience?


Conduct your own research project from start to finish using qualitative and quantitative methods, advanced statistical techniques and industry-standard software. Gather information through market research, opinion polls, program evaluations and interviews.


Sociology students have interned with hospice care providers, trial attorneys, circuit family court judges, migrant self-help organizations, Tampa AIDS Network and Saint Leo University’s Office of Institutional Research.

College of Arts & Sciences

  • Saint Leo University - Kirk Hall
  • Saint Leo’s College of Arts & Sciences offers students a holistic education that lays a strong foundation for critical and independent thinking. The curriculum is designed to help students broaden their horizons and build valuable skills sought by employers. From biology to sociology, the College offers 17 high-quality and flexible programs on campus, online, and through our education centers.

    Explore the College of Arts & Sciences

Are education centers near you offering sociology degree programs?

You may also choose to pursue your degree through one of our education centers, which merge a traditional in-person education with the flexibility to match your lifestyle. Education centers offer eight-week academic terms as well as evening and weekend classes. 

Explore Education Centers