Why Earn Your Education Specialist Degree at Saint Leo University?
Now is the time to earn your education specialist degree online. The graduate education program at Saint Leo University offers the specialist in education degree with a concentration in transformational school leadership. This course of study is designed for individuals holding a master’s degree in education or a related field of study (e.g. guidance and counseling, social work, human services, organization leadership, etc.) yet want to advance their career, grow their knowledge base and enhance their professional practice.
The curriculum for this program of study is aligned with the Interstate School Leadership Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) (Council of Chief State School Officers) 2015 standards which focus on seven aspects of transformational leadership that enables leaders to think critically; analyze systems and organizational structures; support innovative initiatives that supports effective practice and research that maximized student learning and demonstrations of achievement outcomes; facilitates staff members ability to drive instructional practice for student success; build collaborative school cultures; and create a community of stakeholders.
Courses within the education specialist degree program have been identified to ensure students complete a relevant and rigorous program of study. Additionally, they all infuse the Saint Leo University core values, thus helping students grow in body, mind and spirit.