image of old photo of bus on campus being held in same spot it was originally taken

Bachelor's Degree in History

Why Earn Your History Degree at Saint Leo University?

Nothing is off-limits in the study of history—from Hitler’s Third Reich and the Holocaust, to the history of rock 'n' roll in America, from Viking warrior conquests to the cultural, political and sexual revolutions of the 1960s. As a History major, you’ll learn to think critically about complex questions, adjust to new situations and articulate creative solutions to current and future problems.

This program is offered:

A 36-hour major in history is designed as preparation for graduate study in history, as part of a pre-law program, as preparation for careers in business and public affairs, as preparation for library or museum careers, or as part of a general liberal arts education.

Est. Time to Complete:
4 years
Credit Hours:
120 hours
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Undergraduate History Program Details

At Saint Leo, you don’t simply study history—you make history. Through research, internships, travel and faculty engagement, you’ll recognize your role in the global community, and discover ways to build unity amidst vast cultural differences. Explore important ideas throughout the world from ancient times to the present, and gain new perspective on the turmoil in the Middle East or political tensions at home. Become an agent for world progress.

Learn Your Way: On Campus

  • Saint Leo students and instructor in classroom
  • What are the on-campus facilities like?

    Students who pursue their degrees at Saint Leo’s main campus near sunny Tampa Bay, Florida, join a community of enthusiastic learners just like them. 

    Learn about the On-Campus Experience

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Career Outlook

No matter which learning experience you choose, you will receive plenty of professional development opportunities, industry knowledge from expert professors, and support from the Saint Leo community. All this together means that you will be ready for a successful career or continued studies upon graduation.

  • Saint Leo University students in Psychology classroom
  • How will you gain real experience?

    Senior Seminar

    Conduct independent research for a senior thesis and present your work at a professional conference.


    Earn credit for exploring London, Paris and Rome. Visit the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. Meet with lobbyists and lawmakers in Tallahassee.


Intern at the Pioneer Museum, Holocaust Museum, National Park Service historical exhibits, local school districts and congressional offices.

International approach

Prepare yourself to work in a global society. Become an expert in the history of the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Latin America.

Career preparation course

Learn about resume writing, interviewing, and law, graduate school and job opportunities for History majors. With a degree in History, you can explain what is happening now, why it is happening and how interrelated events from the past have influenced and shaped newsworthy events in society today—the kinds of conversations that stand out when being interviewed by potential employers.

Co-curricular activities

Become an active member of Phi Alpha Theta, the History National Honor Society, or the Council on Foreign Relations, where History professors sponsor students to become members each year.

What can you do with an undergraduate history degree?

History prepares students for careers in law, government, Foreign Service, education and the nonprofit world.

What are the top history degree jobs?

  • Lawyer
  • Congressional Aide
  • Lobbyist
  • Government Official
  • Non-Profit Organization Staff
  • Foreign Service Officer
  • Archivist
  • Museum Curator
  • History Teacher
  • Park Ranger

Where are Saint Leo history graduates now? 

  • U.S. Congress House of Representatives
  • Barry University School of Law
  • University of Florida College of Law
  • Regis University M.A. History Program
  • University of South Florida M.A. History Program
  • Catholic Relief NGO in Washington D.C.
  • U.S. Army (Lieutenant Rank)
  • Pasco High School Social Studies Department
  • Florida State Parks
  • Ybor City Museum

College of Arts, Sciences, and Allied Services

  • Saint Leo University - Kirk Hall
  • Saint Leo’s College of Arts, Sciences, and Allied Services offers students a holistic education that lays a strong foundation for critical and independent thinking. The curriculum is designed to help students broaden their horizons and build valuable skills sought by employers. From biology to sociology, the College offers 17 high-quality and flexible programs on campus, online, and through our education centers.

    Explore the College of Arts, Sciences, and Allied Services