Online Students: Come Celebrate Your Graduation!
Students completing online degree programs participate in a traditional commencement ceremony at Saint Leo University.

Students completing online degree programs participate in a traditional commencement ceremony at Saint Leo University.
Every spring, hundreds of Saint Leo University students from California to Connecticut who have been working on their degrees through the Center for Online Learning (COL) come to University Campus – most for the first time – to participate in the pomp and tradition of commencement.
Online students who have connected term after term with other students, faculty, advisors, and staff by e-mail, phone, and webcams meet face-to-face to share congratulatory hugs and joyful tears. They don their academic regalia and create a memory to last a lifetime processing into the Marion Bowman Activities Center and proudly walking across the stage to be congratulated by Saint Leo University President Dr. Arthur F. Kirk Jr.
All Center for Online Learning students who will complete classes and requirements for a bachelor's degree by Summer II 2014 – and are eligible to participate in the 2014 spring commencement exercises at University Campus – must apply by Nov. 8, 2013.
"Participating in commencement is a wonderful gift to give yourself and your family to celebrate your tremendous accomplishment," said Erin Bly, COL student life specialist. "From the Baccalaureate Mass to meeting with other online students at the COL tent, multiple events provide opportunities for graduates to gather with fellow members of the Saint Leo community."
All online students who need less than 30 credits to earn a bachelor's degree by the end of summer 2014, are encouraged to review their eligibility with their student advisors and consider participating in commencement.
Helpful links related to graduation 2014 are provided below. If you have any additional questions, contact Erin at
For additional graduation information, please visit:
According to Erin, it's best to complete the commencement registration and be on the registrar's list. "It's more difficult to get on the list once the deadline has past, and you will also incur a late fee. If your plans change, you can always notify the registrar that you will not be attending at a later date."
Congratulations to all Saint Leo online degree program grads!
Image Credit: University Communications