Online Degree Programs | Find The Right Fit For You
Before you make one of the most significant investments of your life – enrolling in an online degree program – use this free tool to make sure you're

Before you make one of the most significant investments of your life – enrolling in an online degree program – use this free tool to make sure you're
For traditional students, the process usually starts during the summer before junior year in high school with college visits.
Groups of eager adults and acquiescent teens shadow enthusiastic admissions guides across campuses, asking questions about everything from tuition to tutoring, meal plans to mattress sizes.
The most diligent in the crowd even take notes.
After all, tomorrow it's off to another school. Another tour. And they want to keep the details straight so they can make knowledgeable comparisons and educated decisions.
They want to be sure the school selected is the right fit.
National statistics indicate, however, "traditional" college students are less traditional than you may think, with "non-traditional" students quickly becoming the majority.
Non-traditional students include potential students like you – busy adults with jobs and families and all of the associated responsibilities and commitments.
Your proverbial plate is full. Yet you have a compelling desire to complete your college degree. It will help you get ahead at work. But even more importantly, set an example for your children to follow.
With such a busy life, though, you need the flexibility and convenience of an online degree program.
You know you still need to do your homework before you make such a significant, life-changing investment, so you scour the internet for information.
You want to be sure that the online degree program you select is the right fit for you.
Meal plans and mattresses aside, what are the most important criteria you should be looking at regarding online degree programs?
To help simplify the process and direct your research, we've put together an "Online Degree Programs Comparison Guide."
The guide is similar to those commonly used by high school students and their families when comparing traditional college programs. The difference is we've included criteria that are tailored specifically for online degree programs.
This tool provides you with the questions you should ask an enrollment counselor regarding the following important factors:
To get you started, and save you some time, we've included information about Saint Leo University for each of these criteria.
Click here to download the "Online Degree Programs Comparison Guide" now.
Saint Leo wishes you success as you find the online degree program that's right for you and begin the rewarding journey towards a college degree.
If we can help in any way – or if you have questions about Saint Leo University's online degree programs – please call one of our enrollment counselors. For undergraduate programs, call 888.875.8265. For graduate programs, call 800.707.8846.
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Image Credit: Alejandro Escamilla on unsplash