Financial Aid Book Vouchers
Financial aid book vouchers are generated when students are eligible for AND have accepted enough financial aid to cover their account balance for the term.
If a student chooses to utilize a book voucher, the amount of the purchase is applied as a charge to that term. Students may make multiple purchases on a voucher as long as it is not used up. The purchases are then reported to Saint Leo and billed to the student account. This is done so that when financial aid is disbursed it should cover the tuition and book charges.
There are occasions that financial aid is disbursed before book charges are applied to a student account. In these cases students are still responsible for the charges and will need to make payment if financial aid has already been refunded.
Book voucher amounts begin at $1.00 and go up to $450.00. Students will begin receiving their Book Voucher notifications and allocation number at their Saint Leo email address about 4 weeks prior to the new term start date.
Book vouchers may be redeemed through our bookstore vendor Barnes & Noble College.