Paying For College: A Scholarship Guide For Adult Learners
Wondering how to pay for school? Check out Saint Leo's new e-book, "Adult Learner's Guide to Finding Scholarships and Grants."

Wondering how to pay for school? Check out Saint Leo's new e-book, "Adult Learner's Guide to Finding Scholarships and Grants."
You may have reasons why you want to earn a college degree that have nothing to do with your pay stub or the title on your next business card – reasons you can't put a dollar figure on.
You want to be a role model for your children.
You are compelled to finish something you started a long time ago.
You long to fulfill a lifelong dream.
From a pragmatic point of view, however, you know there are financial benefits to earning a college degree. Statistics show that the percentage of adults working full time, as well as incomes, is higher for college graduates. According the National Center for Educational Statistics, adults with a bachelor's degree earned 57 percent more than those with just a high school diploma.
Inspired by both intangible and tangible goals, you're ready to make the necessary sacrifices to pursue an online degree program.
The question remaining is how to pay for it?
Tightening up the family budget will help. But you can squeeze just so much disposable income out of your current paycheck – especially if you're also trying to save for your child's college education at the same time.
The good news is that there is money for non-traditional learners like you, if you know where to look, and Saint Leo would like to help you get started on that search. That's why we created "An Adult Learner's Guide to Finding Scholarships and Grants."
This easy-to-read guide provides a general overview of where you can begin looking for money for college that does not have to be repaid – in other words, free money. The guide includes numerous links to websites and tools you can use to conduct your own scholarship search, as well as links to more than 60 private scholarships open to adults re-entering college and online learners.
This guide is by no means comprehensive. If you're looking for information about securing a loan or filing a FAFSA form, there are lots of great government websites you can turn to.
What we tried to do was save you time by combing through scholarship websites to identify potential opportunities for adult learners, and assembling relevant tips and tools in one convenient guide.
Consider this a starting point – one we sincerely hope will lead you to some financial resources that will help you make your dream of attaining a college education a reality.
Download Saint Leo's "Adult Learner's Guide to Finding Scholarships and Grants" now.
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