An Infographic To Inspire You To Persevere
Online degree program students -- let these powerful quotes give you some inspiration to keep going when the going gets tough.

Online degree program students -- let these powerful quotes give you some inspiration to keep going when the going gets tough.
History is replete with examples of people who persevered despite challenges and setbacks and succeeded. Undoubtedly, you've heard many of them.
Beethoven composed his most important works, such as the epic Symphony No. 9 including the "Ode to Joy" movement, during the last decade of his life, when he was deaf.
J.K. Rowling was a penniless, single mom when she wrote the first Harry Potter book on an old manual typewriter.
Walt Disney's first animation company went bankrupt.
Colonel Sanders, a sixth-grade dropout, didn't even start his entrepreneurial venture until he was 65.
You may think that earning a college degree can't be compared to writing the most beautiful music in the world, or founding an international franchise business.
But it can.
The common thread is that the most important things in life – the things that matter most – are hard. They require perseverance: the ability to hold on and stay the course when it's most challenging to do so, and to get back up after a set-back or failure.
Learning is hard.
Technology, when you're unfamiliar with it, can be intimidating.
Finding time to finish a discussion post or study for a final exam when you have business trips scheduled, your child's championship soccer matches to attend, or an aging parent to take to medical appointments is stressful.
It all requires perseverance.
For the times when you can use a bit of inspiration to keep going in your online degree program in spite of obstacles, the infographic below offers some classic, and some less commonplace, thoughts.
Remember, if you shy away from things that are difficult or uncomfortable, you'll miss out on achieving something meaningful and admirable.
A college degree.
What keeps you motivated to complete your online degree program?
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Image Credit: toffehoff on Flickr/Creative Commons
Infographic by Creative Influence