Saint Leo University's Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Israel
A message from Saint Leo University President Ed Dadez.

A message from Saint Leo University President Ed Dadez.
As we continue to learn more about the devastating impacts of the terrorist attacks by Hamas near the Gaza Strip, Saint Leo University stands in solidarity with Israel, the Jewish people, and all innocent victims.
As a Catholic Benedictine university, home to a leading center for Catholic-Jewish studies, Saint Leo University holds a deep relationship with our Jewish brothers and sisters in faith. For more than 25 years, the work of our Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies has been helping to build mutual respect, understanding, and appreciation among Jews, Catholics, and all people of goodwill by providing opportunities for interfaith education and dialogue. In the days ahead, the need for this work will be even more important.
As a Catholic community that promotes the core values of respect and community for all people, we condemn these acts of terrorism, violence, and hatred. We pray for all of the innocent lives that have been lost in the region, and we ask God for the protection of all those caught in the violence and for peace between all people.