Lively Activities at Constitution Day Event Open to Public
This year's premier civic-engagement event is set for Monday, September 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Saint Leo University.

This year's premier civic-engagement event is set for Monday, September 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Saint Leo University.
The public is invited to University Campus along with students, faculty, and staff to participate in the university's 2018 commemoration of Constitution Day, on Monday, September 17.
Each year the Department of Social Sciences organizes an event, and draws on current topics to make plain the importance and role of the U.S. Constitution in contemporary life. As a point of historical interest, the day marks the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787, by the 39 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, who met to form the new American government and who signed the documents that details the powers and limits of the branches of government, the rules of American justice, and the roles of the citizens.
For 2018 the theme of the commemoration at Saint Leo is "The Duties of Citizenship." A panel of students and faculty members who have become U.S. citizens (rather than being natural-born citizens) will talk about their experiences and motivations for attaining citizenship.
The event will also include trivia competitions, quizzes with prizes, a voter-registration opportunity, and free pizza. (These photos are from 2016) Saint Leo student participants are given proof of active participation. Activities will start at 6 p.m. and conclude by 8 p.m.
The gathering will be in Rooms 123 and 124 of Kirk Hall, right near the entrance to campus. Parking for visitors is always available in the campus garage and after 5 p.m. in surface parking lots. The street address for University Campus is 33701 County Road 52, St. Leo, FL, 33574.
Saint Leo's College of Arts and Sciences, which is home to the Department of Social Sciences, encourages those interested in college events to follow the college on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @ASLionsMight.
For more information, contact Megan Orendorf, the administrator of events and special programs for School of Arts and Sciences, at (352) 588-8401, or