Get an inside look into Saint Leo University's Caribbean Students' Association on campus and how this group serves as a platform for college students who hail from various parts of the Caribbean region.
Why have moms always been so highly regarded throughout history? When was the first Mother's Day officially celebrated? Get the answers to these questions and many more in this informative article on the history of Mother's Day.
Have you earned or are you working on a master's in cybersecurity? This field is one of the most relevant today with ever-evolving data breaches and threats. Learn what potential career opportunities exist for those with higher-level degrees in cybersecurity.
Check out the story of Beverly Jones, a U.S. Army veteran who makes a 140-mile roundtrip to attend her classes at Saint Leo University's Morrow, GA Education Center in the Atlanta area where she is working on her bachelor's in human services.
Saint Leo is excited to announce some new upgrades and expansion to its Newport News, VA Education Center, as well as fill everyone in on what the center has to offer.
Get an inside look into Saint Leo's Spirituals to Rock and Roll class, which is offered to undergraduates at University Campus as an elective music course.
Three Saint Leo marketing students answer some questions about their experience attending the school's University Campus, the clubs they've joined, and what their futures hold in terms of career interests.
What are some of the sights, sounds, and activities you can expect at a college commencement ceremony? Saint Leo University takes an in-depth look at graduation day.