Your Career In Cyber Security
What's ahead for graduates with a master's degree in cybersecurity? Check out Saint Leo's new e-book.

What's ahead for graduates with a master's degree in cybersecurity? Check out Saint Leo's new e-book.
"Thwart operations that incite violent attacks, advance crime, target national security, aid terrorism, and beyond."
Sounds like a job for Daniel Craig in Hollywood's next sophisticated spy film, doesn't it?
Actually, it's from the FBI's cyber careers website.
Not every job in cyber security may sound as thrilling as being a cyber special agent for the FBI. In fact, most cyber security professionals do not strap on a gun (or even hide one in the secret compartment in the heel of a shoe, á la James Bond).
Cyber security professionals do, however, protect and defend critical and sensitive information assets against attack. They're "good guys" using an arsenal of specialized skills and knowledge to minimize vulnerability and keep governments, corporations and individuals safe.
Consider this statement by National Security Agency Director Adm. Michael Rogers at Reuters Cyber Security Summitin Washington, D.C. this spring:
"I fully expect that during my tenure as commander of the U.S. Cyber Command there will be offensive activity directed against critical infrastructure of the United States designed to damage, destroy, or manipulate."
As disturbing as Rogers' statement sounds, even more alarming is the fact that some experts believe industry and government are ill-prepared to defend themselves in cyberspace.
According to research conducted by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), more than 80 percent of enterprise organizations currently lack the right skills and human resources to protect their IT assets. ESG's research also found that of the organizations planning to add IT staff, 42 percent say they will increase headcount in information security, the highest percentage of all IT skill sets.
Clearly with cybercrime on the rise, everyone – from the military, to government agencies at all levels, to private industries – is looking for cyber security professionals.
But right now, there's a critical shortage of qualified cyber security professionals.
Which means that the field is teeming with career opportunity.
To help meet the demand for qualified cyber security professionals, Saint Leo recently launched a master's in cyber security degree program. Currently available on-ground at University Campus, the graduate degree program will be available online beginning in March 2015.
To give you an overview of the growing field of cyber security and the opportunities that may be available to you with an advanced degree, we created the e-book, "Your Career in Cyber Security: What's Ahead for Graduates with a Master's Degree in Cyber Security?"
Drawing from a variety of industry reports produced by companies such as (ISC)2, Symantec and Gartner, the e-book is a quick read filled with valuable information about industry trends, career paths and certifications to advance your career.
We hope you find it helpful as you plan your next career move in the cyber security field.
Download "Your Career in Cyber Security" now!
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