The One Thing You Should Do This Independence Day
Slurp watermelon. Plunge in the pool. Ooh and ahh over fireworks. But first take a moment to read the most cherished words in American history.

Slurp watermelon. Plunge in the pool. Ooh and ahh over fireworks. But first take a moment to read the most cherished words in American history.
Don't you love it when the Fourth of July falls on a Friday or a Monday! Three-day weekends can't be beat. It's a great time to take a break from hectic work schedules and rigorous online studies, and have fun with family and friends.
How do you celebrate? Do you host a family cook-out or head to the local park?
Before you start boiling the potatoes for salad or reach for the beach towels, you might consider taking a few moments to reread the most beloved words in our country's history: the Declaration of Independence.
Reflecting on the significance of the most powerful document in the world should give you more goose bumps than the grandest fireworks display.
Inspired and reminded of the reasons why we have so much to celebrate, enjoy your Fourth of July festivities!
Happy Independence Day from Saint Leo!
Why do you think the Declaration of Independence still matters?
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