Career services hosted Doug Smith for our Leaders in the Industry series on Wednesday, 3/11, and we had a great turnout! Doug provided an overview of our current economic state and his predictions for recovery. He offered great encouragement that despite the economy, there are opportunities to be had, even for starting your own business. The key is to be fearless, to step out of your comfort zone, and to try what you believe in! He notes getting any training that comes your way as very important, even if you don't know how it fits in at the time. Also, your career path in any industry is not set in stone; so it is acceptable to change course as needed to find just the right opportunities.

We hope you will join us next month for our April leader, Sid Hasan, on Wednesday, 4/8. Sid is a partner at TekBank, a provider of information technology resources and solutions to numerous commercial and government customers. Sid has chosen Tampa for Tekbank's newest location, citing Tampa as having the necessary infrastructure for businesses to grow. An advocate of community building and technology awareness, Sid founded both Tech Talks Tampa (t3) and the Channel District Urban Professionals Society (CUPS) since coming to Tampa.

Sid will inspire you with his experiences surrounding professional relationship building, consulting, and how to constantly find new business opportunities. Don't miss it!

Leaders in the Industry Webinar Information:

  • Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2015
  • Time: 7 p.m. Eastern Time
  • R.S.V.P. to Nancy at
  • Click here to join the webinar. (Upon access, please scroll down and click on "start session" on the left-hand side of the page. When you log in, please enter your first and last name per our student records, as it is required for attendance/participation purposes.)