Exploring Saint Leo's 3+1 Marketing/ MBA Accelerated Degree Program
Learn all about Saint Leo University's 3+1 Marketing/MBA Accelerated Degree Program from a student enrolled in the curriculum, Tracey Sands.

Learn all about Saint Leo University's 3+1 Marketing/MBA Accelerated Degree Program from a student enrolled in the curriculum, Tracey Sands.
Many students are looking for ways to decrease the amount of time it takes to receive a college degree. Luckily, Saint Leo University has a tailored four-year program for you! The 3+1 Marketing/MBA program is an accelerated degree program that allows students to complete both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree during the traditional four-year program duration for undergraduate students. Not only does this program cut time, but it also saves you money. It also gives you a competitive advantage after completion of the program.
The program is designed to allow students the opportunity to take the same courses that are required within the traditional four-year degree programs, including basic introductory courses, business courses, electives, and University Explorations courses. The courses provide students with an overall view of the opportunities open to them. If you are like me and aren't sure if you would like to direct all of your focus to a specific area/field of study alone, don't fret! The program allows you to venture out and gain experience in other fields of study, such as economics, hospitality, and the list goes on.
Over the three years required to complete the Bachelor of Arts in Marketing degree, students take a total of 40 credits per year (20 credits per semester). While this may seem like a lot for one semester, you can save some of the courses for the second term in the fall and spring or during the summer. The classes are split up as follows:
Read more on the program page.
The 3+1 Marketing/MBA program requires a total of 36 credit hours. These courses are set up based on 12 credits per semester with two on-ground classes and two online classes. The degree program is very flexible with classes being held on Saturdays or one weekday each week. Read more about these options here.
A wise man once said, "Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it, establish your priorities, and go to work!" Everyone knows that college is not a walk in the park, and nothing comes easy. Time management is a crucial element as it is imperative that you stay on top of your game. It is relatively easy to get set back during the 3+1 Marketing/MBA program, resulting in the completion time taking longer than expected. However, I reassure you that it is not impossible to complete the necessary requirements. As a traditional student in the program, I am actively involved on campus, while also holding an on-campus job. My trick? Strict scheduling.
While this accelerated degree program is intense, here at Saint Leo University, there is a great support team of faculty, staff, and students. During your time as a student, there is an academic advisor and success coach who will oversee your studies. They will ensure that you are on the right track and lend useful advice to help guide you on which courses would be the best fit for your specific situation and interests.
The Bachelor of Arts in Marketing program gives students the advantage of taking a full course load with the seventh class at no additional cost. For recent high school graduates, the adjustment to the number of courses is relatively easy. However, the workload is one of the major adjustments.
The transition into the Master of Business Administration degree program after graduation is more of an adjustment as there is a bit more free time and flexibility during the week. Nevertheless, admission into graduate school at Saint Leo is relatively stress-free when you are part of the 3+1 Marketing/MBA Accelerated Degree Program. This is because the fees are waived as well as requirements for the graduate school exams like the GMAT. The only requirements are the online application, current resume, and a statement of purpose.
Taking the 3+1 Marketing/MBA Accelerated Degree Program here at Saint Leo University was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I was able to complete one of my degrees in a short amount of time compared to my counterparts with whom I graduated high school. This program allows me to stand out to potential employers. Additionally, while completing the program, I have been able to be actively involved and make an impact on the Saint Leo campus.
Author bio: Tracey Sands was born and raised in The Bahamas. She is a senior at Saint Leo University and is part of the 3+1 Marketing/MBA Program. Upon completion of her degree programs, Tracey hopes to join the hospitality industry back home within a marketing role. Eventually she plans to open a marketing agency geared toward small businesses. Her hobbies include cooking and drawing.