Welcome to Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs is comprised of offices and services whose professional staff educate and support students and provide opportunities for students and their families to engage with Saint Leo University. Student Affairs supports students and their families at University Campus, our centers, and those who pursue their degrees online through Worldwide. We want your experience to be one where you learn as much outside the classroom as you do inside the classroom. We want you to love Saint Leo University and take pride in being part of our community. We want you to be healthy, happy, and safe during your time with us. Please take advantage of the many amazing resources available to you. Make sure you get involved! We treasure what you bring to the events, organizations, leadership positions or other roles you undertake.
I hope you will follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see the students and families with whom I am lucky enough to get to interact with every day.
Dr. Jen Shaw
Vice President, Student Affairs
Residence Life
The purpose of the Residence Life program is to work collaboratively with students, staff, and faculty in the creation of a caring living-learning environment. At Saint Leo University, resident students have a unique opportunity for personal growth within a supportive and safe environment.
Office of Military Affairs and Services
The Office of Military Affairs and Services is dedicated to your success at Saint Leo University. We are here to assist you at every stage of your education experience. In addition to hosting Military Resource Centers at University Campus, the Tampa Center, Savannah, and other locales, OMAS provides programs, services, organizations, and opportunities that celebrate our nation’s heroes and support success for all military affiliated students.
Career Services
Career Services assists students with all phases of career development from career guidance and job search training to resume advice, interview skills, and professional networking. With Be Leo Great, we help students build their employability through development of career competencies. We partner with hundreds of employers each year to provide opportunities for Saint Leo students and alumni to secure internships and part-and full-time jobs throughout the world. We serve Saint Leo University alumni for life!
New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation (NSO) includes a variety of programs and events that will set students on the path toward academic and personal success at Saint Leo University. This multi-day experience acquaints students with our campus, support services, policies, staff and faculty, and is the beginning of their friendships with other new and returning students. In addition to virtual experiences for all students offered throughout the summer, distinct orientations are provided for international students, graduate students, and all new undergraduate students, first year and transfer.
Dining Services
Dining services works hard to design meal programs to meet individual needs. Our goal is to make sure that you will not have to worry about finding something great to eat at convenient times. Dining on campus provides a social experience essential to campus life. It provides opportunities to gather with friends, take study breaks, hang out, relax and unwind after a hard day of classes and activities.
Office of Accessibility Services
The Office of Accessibility Services is to assist students with specific learning needs in achieving access to higher education and to promote their ongoing personal and educational success, as well as to increase the awareness and responsiveness of the campus community to students with disabilities.
Health Services
The Health Center is committed to providing quality, professional medical care. We promote and advocate personal responsibility for choosing a lifestyle that leads to lifelong health. We provide full-time primary care services such as physicals, annual health promotion visits, immunizations, treatments for injuries, seasonal allergies, cold and flu treatment and more.
University Safety
Saint Leo University Safety provides a safe and secure environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. University Safety takes that statement seriously. Our team is staffed with trained and professional officers who are certified in their field by the State of Florida. They patrol the campus twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, on foot, mountain bikes, patrol car, and golf carts.
Counseling and Prevention Services
Counseling Services provides for the emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of its students and campus personnel. Promoting education, prevention and intervention, the Counseling Center strives to aid individuals on their path toward academic, social, and personal growth.
Violence Education and Prevention Program
The Violence Education and Prevention Program (VEPP) is an Office of Violence Against Women grant-funded program that strives to prevent dating & sexual violence before it occurs. Through implementing campus-wide interventions and awareness campaigns, VEPP engages students, faculty, staff, and community members across all levels.
Student and Family Engagement
The Office of Student and Family Engagement strives to create meaningful learning opportunities that teach and challenge students to be life-long learners; value excellence within themselves and others; seek out their personal best; live life with a sense of integrity; respect and celebrate the uniqueness and commonalities of all individuals; and foster community and stewardship.
Lions Care
Lions Care is a university-wide initiative that embraces our institutional Core Values, especially the values of Respect and Community. Sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs, Lions Care provides resources for individuals who may need assistance.
With Barnes & Noble at Saint Leo, students get the most affordable course materials and academic support they need to achieve greater success - both in and out of the classroom. We offer a comprehensive selection of affordable, high-quality learning materials, in any format, including new, used, rental and digital.
GoldRush Dance Team
The Goldrush Dance Team promotes and increases school spirit at Saint Leo University and within the greater campus community.
The Saint Leo University Cheerleading team represents the University at several community and campus events. Our cheerleaders compete in the DII Advanced All Girl division at the NCA Collegiate National Championship in Daytona Beach each April. You can also find your Saint Leo Cheerleaders on the sidelines at all our home men’s and women’s basketball games.