We are excited that you are interested in Greek Life at Saint Leo University. Our community consists of more than 150 members across 13 chapters with each growing yearly.
The Office of Greek Life is committed to creating personal and professional developmental opportunities for all students. Greek Life provides members with the education and tools necessary to practice leadership, scholarship, excellence, integrity, and responsible stewardship in a community of mutual respect that will foster lifelong friendships.On behalf of the Office of Greek Life, we welcome you and look forward to your engagement with our community!
Our Mission
Greek Life at Saint Leo University strives to cultivate servant leaders into productive citizens through demonstration of academic excellence, inclusive outlooks, and purposeful interactions.
Our Vision
Greek Life members will set the standard among all students for leadership, scholarship and campus involvement by fostering community among all members in accordance with the Benedictine Values of Saint Leo University.
Basic Membership Requirements
To qualify for Greek Life at Saint Leo, perspective members must:
- Be a full-time student taking a minimum of 12 credit hours
- Possess a 2.6 cumulative grade point average
- Be enrolled as an undergraduate collegiate in the current Membership Intake or Recruiting semester
- Register for Recruitment (Interfraternity and Panhellenic organizations)
- Attend an Interest Meeting (Unified Greek organizations)
Signature Events
- Greek Unity Week
- Hazing Prevention Week
- Recruitment Week
- New Member Presentations
- New Member Connection Event
- Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values Conference
We would love to hear from you. Please contact our office at 352-588-8992 or leogreeklife@gmail.com.
Greek Councils
Interfraternity Council at Saint Leo

The Interfraternity Council oversees four fraternities on campus: Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Lambda, and Tau Kappa Epsilon. The Interfraternity Council supports all fraternities with chapter operations, recruitment, and academic excellence. Each fraternity has members in multiple leadership positions and is involved across campus. Follow @saintleointerfraternity on Instagram and get to know the members by coming to an event or to a social!
Interfraternity Council (IFC) Recruitment
To qualify for the Interfraternity Council, prospective members must:
- Complete one full semester at Saint Leo University
- Possess a 2.6 grade point average (GPA)
- Be a full-time student taking a minimum of 12 credit hours
- Be enrolled as an undergraduate collegiate in the current recruiting semester
- Register for Recruitment
- Have an active FERPA form on file with the Office of Greek Life
Recruitment Dates: September 23rd-September 27th
Recruitment Overview
Interfraternity Recruitment is open to those who meet Greek Life membership requirements. Potential new members attend socials and events to learn about the fraternities. Based on those interactions, you could receive a membership invitation (bid)! Our recruitment process is structured into five days: orientation night, open fraternity events, preference night (an invite-only event from the fraternities to potential new members), and bid day!
If you have any questions or want to learn more about membership, please email leogreeklife@gmail.com.
Interfraternity Chapters
Kappa Sigma
- Nickname: Kappa Sig
- National Founding: December 10, 1869
- Chapter Name: Upsilon-Theta
- Colors: Scarlett White and Emerald green
- Motto: “Bononia Docet”
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
- Nickname: SAE
- National Founding: March 9, 1856
- Chapter Name: Florida Alpha-Mu
- Colors: Old Gold and Royal Purple
- Motto: "The True Gentlemen"
Sigma Lambda
- Nickname: Lambda
- Local Founding: November 10, 1967
- Colors: Black and Gold
- Motto: "The Elite"
Tau Kappa Epsilon
- Nickname: TKE
- National Founding: January 10, 1899
- Chapter Name: Sigma-Theta
- Colors: Cherry and Gray
- Motto: "Not for wealth, rank, or honor, but for personal worth and character"
Panhellenic Council at Saint Leo

Panhellenic has four sororities: Alpha Sigma Tau, Gamma Upsilon, Sigma Sigma Sigma, and Theta Phi Alpha. The Panhellenic Council assists with chapter operations, recruitment, and academic excellence. Each sorority has members in multiple leadership positions and involved across campus. Follow @saintleopanhellenic on Instagram and get to know the members by coming to an event or to a social!
Panhellenic Council (Panhel)
To qualify for the Panhellenic Council, perspective members must:
- Be a full-time student taking a minimum of 12 credit hours
- Be enrolled as an undergraduate collegiate in the current recruiting semester
- Register for Recruitment (link will be added soon)
- Have an active FERPA form on file with the Office of Greek Life
Recruitment Dates: September 17th-September 21st
Recruitment Overview
Panhellenic recruitment works in two ways: formal and informal. Our formal recruitment period (held in the fall) is structured into four events: open house night, sisterhood night, preference night (an invite-only event from the sorority to potential new members) and bid day! Both recruitments allow potential new members to meet members of all four sororities! The informal recruitment (held in the spring) is open to those who meet the recruitment requirements, and the process is casual in nature. Potential new members attend socials and events to learn about the sororities and based on those interactions, you could receive a bid!
If you have any questions or want to learn more about membership, please email leogreeklife@gmail.com.
Panhellenic Chapters
Alpha Sigma Tau
- Nickname: AST
- National Founding: November 4, 1899
- Chapter Name: Delta Upsilon
- Colors: Emerald Green and Gold
- Motto: "Active, Self-Reliant, Trustworthy"
Gamma Upsilon
- Nickname: Gammas
- Local Founding: December 3, 1992
- Colors: Cardinal Red and White
- Motto: "Simply the Best"
Sigma Sigma Sigma
- Nickname: Tri -Sigma, Sigma
- National Founding: April 20, 1898
- Chapter Name: Epsilon Tau
- Colors: Royal Purple and White
- Motto: "Ever Forward"
Theta Phi Alpha
- Nickname: Theta Phi
- National Founding: August 30, 1912
- Chapter Name: Beta Upsilon
- Colors: Blue, Gold and Silver
- Motto: "Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring"

Unified Greek Council at Saint Leo
The Unified Greek Council oversees both multicultural and National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations. The fraternities are Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The sororities are Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc., Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., and Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. The Unified Greek Council assists with chapter operations, recruitment, and academic excellence. Each organization has members in multiple leadership positions and involved across campus. Follow @ugc_stleo on Instagram and get to know the members by coming to an event or to a social!
Membership Intake
Membership Intake differs from Recruitment. In recruitment, students visit all organizations in an organized week format to find which organization is their best fit. With Membership Intake, students attend a specific organization's information session to learn about the history, culture, membership requirements, etc. with intent to join. It is highly encouraged that potential members research the organization that they are most interested in prior to attending an information session.
Participation in membership intake does require attendance to a chapter specific information session. If you have any questions or want to learn more about membership, please email leogreeklife@gmail.com.
To qualify for the Unified Greek Council, perspective members must:
- Be a full-time student taking a minimum of 12 credit hours
- Possess a 2.6 cumulative grade point average
- Meet the prospective organization’s GPA minimum
- Enrolled as an undergraduate collegiate in the current Membership Intake
- Attend an information session from a UGC organization
- Have an active FERPA form on file with the Office of Greek Life
Unified Greek Chapters
Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc.
- Nickname: Pi Chis
- National Founding: April 16, 1988
- Chapter Name: Alpha Alpha
- Colors: Red, Gold, Black and White
- Motto: "Women of Strength, Women of Character"
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
- Nickname: SGRHO
- National Founding: Nov. 12, 1922
- Chapter Name: Sigma Tau
- Colors: Royal Blue and Gold
- Motto: "Greater Service, Greater Progress"
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
- Nickname: Gammas
- National Founding: April 9, 1990
- Chapter Name: Seismic Sigma Epsilon
- Colors: Shocking Pink and Majestic Purple
- Motto: "Culture is Pride, Pride is Success"
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
- Nickname: Alphas
- National Founding: December 4, 1906
- Local Founding: November 11, 1989
- Chapter Name: Rho Xi
- Colors: Black and Old Gold
- Motto: "First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All"
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
- Nickname: Kappas
- National Founding: January 5, 1911
- Chapter Name: Zeta Chi Colony
- Colors: Krimson & Kream
- Motto: "Achievement in Every Field of Human Endeavor"
Contact Greek Life
We would love to hear from you. Please contact our office at 352-588-8992 or leogreeklife@gmail.com.